So, in my previous Post I presented the Official CoVid-1984 Numbers from the World-O-Meter, looking at CoVid-1984 “Deaths” vs. Vax Rates for all the countries in the world, and they just didn’t make any sense. I thought perhaps things might make more sense if:
I only included countries with Vax Rates from 10% to 80%
Only include countries with populations above 1 million
And, instead of looking at “Deaths”, rather look at “Active Cases”.
This plot is shown below in Figure 1.
Fig 1. CoVid-1984 “Active Cases” vs. Vax Rate for all the countries in the world with populations over 1 million and Vax Rates greater than 10%.
Well, there are clearly a couple of outliers here! The really high point is the U.S.; the other one is the U.K. And, I’m beginning to think this is just a total waste of time:
Like, seriously, is it fair to compare the U.S. with any other country? We have so far disbursed/committed $9.1 Trillion on this Scamdemic. That is:
About half our GDP
250 Million $ per CoVid-1984 death with no comorbidities
13 Million $ per CoVid-1984 “death” with an average of about 5 comorbidities
64 Thousand $ per taxpayer, or
27.5 Thousand $ per citizen
If the world wanted to match our spending per citizen on CoVid-1984, it would have to spend over 200 Trillion dollars, or more than 3 times the world’s annual GDP.
And we have Fauci, Biden, the CDC and the FDA, …
Seriously, no other country in the world can compete with us. So I figure the only fair thing to do in order to see the effect of Vax’s on CoVid-1984 is to only look at the U.S., and compare states within this one “exceptional” country. I will do that in my next Post.
Now, while we, the U.S., clearly spends MOAR on CoVid-1984 than any other country in the galaxy, we also claim MOAR CoVid-1984 "Deaths" than any other country in the galaxy. Perhaps we're not spending enough?