Just to update you from my last short Post, yes I called that one right! That Scary Nu CoVid-1984 Scariant was just a 1 day flash in the MSM-fear-porn-news pan (turns out that the Nu Scarient has been around for months). We’re now closing borders, shutting down flights, and imposing Lock-Downs over the Omicron Scariant. While no one’s died, Omicron is very scary.
I think the chart below quite well shows where we are today. Follow it through, it’s quite good.
Unfortunately, this flow chart shows no path to FREEDOM. So, I’m suggesting a path:
Everyone go buy a gun and then shoot your TV. And you should probably also shoot your radio. (I’m assuming no one carries a phone in their pocket anymore, that’s like so yesterday’s fad isn’t it?). And then, just as the Amish, you too can be free from CoVid-1984!
And yes, they can keep doing this ad-infinitum, I mean ad-nauseum, because people have identified 100,000 Scariants of CoVid-1984: