Thanks for Playing (Along)!
But the game isn't over yet, so please hang in there till we start the next one!
We, the few top wealthy folks, have increased our share of the total wealth of this country by over 20% so far during this CoVid-1984 Scam/Plandemic.
We thank you for your unwavering support!
(A new NPR poll that finds almost 20% of U.S. households had their savings wiped out during the pandemic. The share of respondents who made $50k or less was about 30%.) We don’t need no middle-class.
Hang in there! And Thank YOU for your sacrifices in this War on ISIS, I mean VIRUS! We couldn’t have accomplished this without your support! Maybe we’ll hand out a few more trillions to keep you happy (you know, 9 for us, and 1 for you) !
Keep up the good work! Your Faith and Belief in these Shutdowns (for small businesses only) have made this possible. Thank you, keep Muzzled, and keep Safe! That Muzzle, which science (16 Randomized Control Tests) shows have no, or rather, negative effects, is a symbol that you’re doing your part, and “Believe in the Science”.
There will probably never be an accounting for the suffering and death these shutdowns and lockdowns have caused, but in Madeline Albright’s words, “We think it was worth it”.
We think we can ride this horse a bit further, so, until the next Narrative or War, please stick with it! Only 2 weeks to flatten the curve!
And thank you again. We couldn’t do it without you! You are true patriots, and so smart to “Follow-the-Science” (i.e., believe the ever-changing “Fear Porn” Stories we tell you in the MSM).
Enjoy your slavery, but don’t waver in your Faith; if anything, now is the time to double-down for the 5th wave and next Scarient. We know we can count on your continued support.
At the beginning of this CoVid-1984 Plan/Scandemic (April 2020), I shared some numbers in an E-Mail with a smart M.D., Ph.D. that I know. Here’s what he wrote back:
And, yeah - it’s another Great Universal Cash Heist (see Bucky Fuller). It’s a book you can read online called the GRUNCH OF GIANTS.
A few people have seen this from the beginning.
Most don’t see it at all, and never will.
They are counting on that, and
You have their thanks.