I was certainly aware of the correlation between ADHD and vaccination. Well, Steve Kirsch went a bit further and correlated vaccination rates to a whole myriad of chronic illnesses which might be considered a plague in the U.S. today. Below is a plot from his posting, followed by his article.
You can read his full article below.
When we were kids we got a handful of "vaccinations".
Today kids are getting on the order of 100 "vaccinations"!
You can see the schedule here:
and here
Note than many of the "vaccinations" are multiple vaccinations.
Yes -- I like very much Ed Dowd's work.
I would like to point out that something can have a 100% R^2 or Correlation and NOT be the principal cause of illness. For example, the Milankovitch Cycles have an 85% correlation between VARIATIONS in the Earth's temperature, though they have no input into the steady state temperature (that is all the sun).
So, this study show high correlation between VARIATIONS in Vax-Rates and VARIATIONS in illnesses. It does not mean, even with 100% R^2, that they are the sole or principal causes.