Playing with can be fun (or at least interesting)! For example:
For some reason, Chernobyl seems to be almost infinitely more interesting and news-worthy than Fukushima. Let’s compare these two events:
Chernobyl (Ukraine) happened 35 years ago (26 April 1986); Fukushima (Japan) happened 10 years ago (11 March 2011).
The release at Chernobyl was contained after about 10 days, and the reactor was enclosed within concrete by the end of the year; The Fukushima clean up is still on-going, and looks like it will continue ad-infinitum (no one even knows what to do, how long it will take, and how much it will cost though Tepco recently after 10 years has come out with a 44 year plan), and the Japanese have recently announced that they will begin releasing radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean because they’ve run out of storage space. One out of 200-some countries (the U.S.) thinks this is a good idea.
But for some reason, Chernobyl (Russians BAD) is so much more interesting than Fukushima (Japan) whom the U.S. (GOOD) has nuked 3 times now: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Fukushima. But, certainly, you’d think that maybe Fukushima might be a bit more in the news, perhaps at least in Japan? Nope:
And you’d think that in the U.S., when it comes to Nuclear Disasters, people would be really geeked on the Hanover Nuclear Clean-up, that has been on-going for 31 years and will also continue ad-infinitum (like, really, again, they don’t even know what to do, how long it will take, and how much it will cost) and this project consumes about 1/4 of the Department of Energy Budget (hey kids, want a really yucky job with guaranteed job security?). But, apparently it is of no interest and not news-worthy: when I try “Hanover Nuclear Waste” in Trends.Google I get the message, “Hmm, your search doesn’t have enough data to show here”.
Of course, it could be that Google (and the Media) just Shadow-Bans talk of Fukushima while promoting talk of Chernobyl. I don’t use Google, but rather DuckDuckGo, or StartPage.
Most people get their worldview from the Mainstream Media and Google. I wonder whether many people might have a very skewed view of the world. This might be a very interesting subject for someone looking for a Ph.D. project in “Journalism”, or Propaganda Studies (or even psychology or sociology).
Just to throw in one more example of recent Google Propaganda/Censorship, a month or so ago the CorbettReport completely disappeared from Youtube:
James Corbett had over the last 14 years “some 1700+ videos, 569,000+ subscribers and 90 million+ video views”. But he just questioned the Narrative a bit too much in his latest video:
which I think he stole from my article (sarcasm) .
Google and the Mainstream Media today provide the same role as the Catholic Church’s Imprimatur in the times of Galileo, or the George Orwell’s “Memory Hole” in 1984.
Below, a couple of previous Posts regarding Censorship, particularly in Science, by our Free Press:
You're right that Western media are involved in a pissing war with the Russian oligarchy. That and, perhaps that alone, shapes much of the narrative and resulting public discourse. I went through a brief phase at the start of the 2016 election fallout in which I gained a lot of respect for the Russian state.
I'm over it :-)
The Russian oligarchy is working hand-in-hand with Israel to dismantle Western civilization. The elites on this side intend to tear it apart as well. The two sides just disagree on who takes the spoils and how they get used in the end.