You are at the very Center of the Universe.
And to within a very small fraction of a percent, at rest with respect to the Center of the Universe.
While we should be Skeptical of all theories in Science, and should question them, there are a few you can at least hang your hat on, e.g.:
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, and
Maxwell’s Equations which describe Electromagnetism.
Using these two theories you can design a particle accelerator to accelerate subatomic particles to close to the speed of light, and it will work. In fact, a physicist I once worked for, Fred Mills at Fermilab, told me that NO ONE had ever designed a particle accelerator that hadn’t (eventually) worked. (So, here’s a tip kids: there’s a field where DATA show that you CAN’T fail ! [so far anyway; worse-comes-to-worse you would at least be famous if you did fail !]). Of course, all working-accelerators were designed and worked in accordance with the Theories of Special Relativity and Electromagnetism. To say that these theories have been tested is quite the understatement. (You can’t say this about ANY of the AGW and CoVid-1984 Models or Stories – what little testing that has been done shows that they are all wrong).
So, let us just assume that the Special Theory of Relativity works. The theory is quite simple: it merely states that the speed of light is a constant (in any inertial [non-accelerating] frame of reference); it’s always the same. For example, let’s assume you were to leave the Earth traveling at half the speed of light in your self-driving Tesla Sport Model XX Spacecraft for a well needed vacation, and your Significant Other on Earth shot a laser at you with an encoded birthday message. When that laser beam reaches and passes you by, if you were measure it’s speed relative to you, it would be the speed of light (not half the speed of light as Newtonian Physics would have you expect). Relativity does not disprove Newtonian Mechanics; rather Relativity encompasses Newtonian Mechanics: at speeds much less than the speed of light, both these theories agree very precisely.
Let’s also assume (not sure I believe this Dogma, but let’s assume) that the Universe began with a Big Bang and then do a thought experiment to find the Center of the Universe. First let’s establish the REAL center of the universe: that would be a particle at rest at the Big Bang and the edges of the Universe expanded out in all directions away from it at the speed of light. Now, suppose you weren’t so lucky, and at the time of the Big Bang you went off at half the speed of light in some direction. How would the Universe look to you ? Well, you too would see the Universe expanding in all directions away from you at the speed of light … and, further measurements would show that not only are you at the Center of the Universe, you’d also find yourself at rest with respect to the Cosmic Background Radiation (to small fraction of a percent). So, you can’t help BUT be almost at rest and at the very Center of the Universe, as least that’s what Measurements and DATA would tell you.
But wait you say, how can it be that your measurements prove that you are at the Center of the Universe, and someone else’s measurements prove that they are at the Center of the Universe ? You could just tell them that, hey, it’s all relative, but I like this explanation even better: It’s Simple, your Universe is not quite exactly the same their Universe, and yours is BETTER than theirs. Plain and Simple.
So, next time you’re thinking that this world is just totally Crazy, just plant your foot down and remember and declare that you are standing at rest at the Center of the Universe !
So, you are at rest at the very center of a very crazy Universe ! So maybe the real question is not who’s Universe is Better, but rather who’s is more Crazy ? Perhaps it’s all relative.
And maybe the question is who's Universe is more Fun ?