The Fed are in charge of price stability.

Expect hyperinflation then digital currency.

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Shouldn't you have put "stability" in quotations ? ; )

Yes, the Fed is in charge of price "stability" just as the U.S. and the U.K. were in charge of "drug control" in Afghanistan, where after we invaded, opium production increased from almost nothing (wiped out by Taliban) to about 90% of the world's supply.

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1969-71 was an inflection point for Western Civilization in every way imaginable.

Thank you for providing detail on this vital (theft) aspect of it.

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Tim, I think you'll really enjoy this short series of YouTube videos explaining Eric Weinstein's paper on Kayfabrication, which describes what has happened to Western civilization since the early seventies. It's fascinating. Really, try it. https://youtu.be/SZpBvfBxLxc?si=XegQF0nAmozl_TUE

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Good stuff Dr. TimE....you may be interested in a couple of my Chart of the Day (CotD) substacks related to this subject:

The Final Countdown ((3rd Annual) May 20, 2024 https://eldric.substack.com/p/chart-of-the-day-cotd-the-final-countdown

USA Stocks and Commodity Markets August 1, 2023 https://eldric.substack.com/p/chart-of-the-day-cotd-usa-stocks?utm_source=publication-search

Happy new year!

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Quick look -- like your charts -- Thanks.

Will look at more when I have time.

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I believe that gold was $20 an ounce and then it became $35 an ounce under FDR. The dollar became fiat currency under Nixon. I wonder what would have happened if Humphrey had been president.

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Yup !

All the old U.S. 1 oz gold coins have 20$ printed on them.

The 1 oz 2025 Gold Eagles issued by the U.S. Treasury will have 50 dollars stamped on them.

Not sure how how over time it has gone up from 20 to 50$.

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"..the number of new U.S. physics Ph.D.s has been reduced by a third to a mere 800 per year.."

How many of those 800 were born in the USA? And out of those born in the USA, how many are working in the field, applying their PhD?

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Wow, and Sheesh!

Looks like only 20% (160 for whole country) get a potentially-permanent job in the field of Physics!


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And I'll bet half of them call themselves "theorists" and work on grant from .gov modelling Global Warming. I say that sarcastically, and just made up that number, but I might be right!

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In 1970, about 85% of Ph,D. grads were U.S. Citizens; today about 50%; see


There are a lot more plots here:


Those plots show how "Woke" the American Physical Society has become: 14 of 19 plots (74%) have to do with Race, Sex and Ethnicity.

I haven't belonged to the APS for at least 2 decades.

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Nah, it is because we Americans are lazy, just ask Vivek...

I'm a civil engineer, I don't have the mindset or patience (or honestly, the intellect) to do research for a living. But there must be thousands here in the US who have the aptitude and demeanor to purse a non-woke PhD in physics.

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