
Thanks Michael --

But, you know, the whole point of this Blog is DATA vs Narrative.

I'm pretty convinced that Narrative always wins ...

Well, there is that one small exception every once in awhile, that proves the rule.

I remember when Trish, Wolfie (my guy) and Leo (Trish's dog) and I were out and about, and Leo startled some deer, and one of the baby deer "ran over Trish" !

So, it's more like DATA are the deer, and, Narratives are the cars.

Best I see, it's about a million to one, cars winning Big TimE.

I really don't see that changing ... Human Nature.

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Yes, 11 now. I had forgotten that Spinal Tap scene. Perfect.

And what do you get for your effort? Scorn and ridicule. From those who do not see.

Grim times to be sure. Hopefully the "White Hats" show themselves soon.

Wait, might be the White Hats ARE talking!

Excellent work Star ship Captain!

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