Myth: Our Children are at Risk from a Virus
The reality, rather, is that our children are at virtually NO risk from this virus:
A study at John Hopkins found ZERO children under the age of 17 that had died from CoVid1,2. (Well, some with pre-existing conditions, such as leukemia, died with a CoVid “positive test”).
Similarly a study from the U.K. established the risk of death for the young to be less than 2 parts per Million3, and less than 1/2 of a part per Million when leaving out the severe preexisting conditions, and perhaps even zero.
However, in a recent town hall meeting, a MSM actor asked Mr. Biden the scripted question, “When will children under 12 be able to get vaccinated?” I found his scripted answer to be quite illuminating:
A real investigative journalist, if there were any in the MSM, might have asked him, “Since all the DATA show that Lockdowns are killing many times more young folks than the virus, why are we Locking them Down?” or
“Since young folks are at such low, essentially zero, risk from the virus, why are we even talking about vaccinating them? Might not the risk of vaccination be much greater than the risk from the virus?”
The Reality: Lockdowns are the Killer, not the Virus
Just watch this short (5 minute) Senate Testimony: Child Suicide & Lethal Lockdown Consequences:
Just duckduckgo “effects of lockdowns on children” or “children deaths caused by lockdowns” and you might realize that what we have done to our children is criminal. A few examples:
For example, for people under 25 years of age, the suicide rate has jumped by about 23% in the last year (and extra 25,000 suicide deaths)4.
There are many published studies on how the young will be probably be harmed for life by their lost schooling, lost social interaction, needless mask-wearing, etc.
The Reality: We Don’t Know that these Vaccines are Safe for Children
First of all, there have been no long-term studies. Since the risk from the virus is vanishingly-low, no vaccine could ever be proven to be of lower risk than the virus.
In Europe, just looking at short-term effects from the Vaccine, and again using the inflated “CoVid Death” numbers, it was found that young people were twice as likely to die from AstraZeneca vaccine than from CoVid-19845.
The CDC’s own data show they are seeing more children and young adults hospitalized from the COVID vaccine than they ever saw from the COVID virus.6
The Reality is that we are doing much harm to, and in fact killing, our young with our Lockdowns; and we can’t blame these deaths on a virus. And the excuse that we are “just following the orders of our leaders” won’t cut it, not when it is so easy (even with all the Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and MSM Orwellian Censorship) to see the reality, which is in Plain Sight for Anyone to See.
Yes, our children are dying, and we’re killing them.
e.g., even using the inflated “CoVid Death Numbers:
And babies being born during the "Plandemic" have MUCH lower I.Q.'s:
"Authors attribute the pattern to children being cognitively impaired from spending so much time inside with overwhelmed parents during the past year. While many adults have managed to tough it out, so much isolation at a critical juncture in the mental progress of infants has likely caused lasting damage."