Check this out:


"We the people, demand to see the data!

CDC withholding evidence concerning COVID vaccine safety is scientific fraud."

Of course it makes perfect sense for the CDC to withhold data if you think of this as Religion, not Science.

Think back to the Catholic Church where only the priests could read the holy texts ...

Or, I think back to my time in the Jesus Movement:

"The Bible says it, we believe it, and that settles it!".

Today, with CoVid Vax's we say,

"The CDC says it, we believe it, and that settles it"!.

Good enough for most people I suppose ...

As a nurse practitioner told me:

"You are not a trained epidemiologist and therefore aren't qualified to look at the Data" --

You therefore need to BELIEVE what you are told ....

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And with regard to Vax Safety, this out of Germany from a Health Insurance Company:

“If these figures are applied to the year as a whole and to” the entire population of Germany, Schöfbeck estimated, then “probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany been under medical treatment because of vaccination side effects after [COVID-19] vaccination.”


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