The VAERS system is not meant to accurately count the number deaths or adverse reaction from Vaccines. It is rather an "Early Warning System" to alert the Medical Community if there is a serious problem -- and it is flashing red and the alarms going off!
As I said, I am NOT an M.Deity, so no one should take my medical advice, e.g., "If you have 5 comorbidities you will die". I don't REALLY know that to be true. I looked up the definition of comorbidity and it merely means, "the state of being comorbid". So, it could be that you are just some regular person as I engaging in being morbid ("an attitude, quality, or state of mind marked by excessive gloom") with another.
But, perhaps such a flippant comment as this takes away from the Seriousness of this Posting? Where's are the fucking moderators and censors when you really need them ?!!!
It is true that in a footnote I did refer to a couple of articles (on a long enough time scale the probability of survival goes to zero) there were no references to or
Geez, Tim. You ARE serious. I mean, when I saw the photo of your HP-15C Reverse Polish Entry Notation Scientific Calculator, I got totally verklempt and a little tear formed in my right eye (better than my wrong eye, indeed). I was so overwhelmed with emotion, in fact — especially when you mentioned Texas — that I pulled out my standard Texas Instruments TI-30X♊︎S calculator purchased in 2009 and checked the P-value for my own possible death by CoVid-1984.
As it turns out, there is a 100% confidence level that I will NOT die either by, with, for, under, around, inside, near, or over CoVid-1984, since the so-called virus has never been scientifically isolated, purified, or seen under a microscope. This confidence level surely extends to my half-life, even though I don't know how to calculate that. In light of this factual information, I am officially declaring this so-called virus "CovAin't" and will start publishing my findings in all the respected journals. I wonder how the M.Deities will respond. The prospect is exciting, although I guess since they're getting kickbacks for every positive diagnosis and jab administered, most (read: all) of them will hate my conclusions and call on the fact-checkers to put that warning stamp on my articles and probably on my forehead, too.
Anyway, I'm glad to read about your seriousness level ("REALLY" is impressive). Do you have a formula for that? I want to check my seriousness level, too!
That was funny, I got a nice good laugh reading it. Of course, I'm also wondering if we should be checking our "Seriousness Levels" or rather our "Sanity Levels". I'm afraid to check mine these daze. I'm just hoping I have an ever-increasing "Funny Level".
I didn't understand that one part about "respected journals" -- is there really such a thing? On what planet do you live? Do they allow aliens (e.g. humans) to publish in their journals?
Anyway, maybe some of the aliens from your planet have infiltrated Earth, just saw this:
“The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease” – Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates
Tim, I like the "Funny Level" idea and might just reach out to some experts for help creating an applicable chart. On second thought, I'll talk to my husband, who is really funny, not like any of the self-proclaimed "experts"!
RE: "Respected journals": Thank you for pointing out that I do indeed seem to live on another planet. Perhaps instead of medical journals there are some Communication Studies journals here on Earth that might accept my findings. That was my discipline in college for my B.A., and I took all the opportunities during my major classes to do rhetorical criticism, something that I personally think A LOT OF PEOPLE need to engage in, and right quick.
Anyway, thanks for the link: Too bad this judge was just fitted for concrete shoes. (Kidding of course, but I'll stay apprised.) Also interesting is the judge's last name: Doughty. Doubt-y of fake "data" perhaps?!
I think Google is on to you ... the E-Mail notifying me of this comment showed up in my Spam folder marked as Spam ! You better get a new alias E-Mail Account.
Or just wear your listed status as a badge of honor by speaking with as many sane people as possible.
"Truth seeker" is just a modern euphemism for potential terrorist, which is just a euphemism for political dissident, which is just a euphemism for emergent threat to totalitarianism.
The VAERS system is not meant to accurately count the number deaths or adverse reaction from Vaccines. It is rather an "Early Warning System" to alert the Medical Community if there is a serious problem -- and it is flashing red and the alarms going off!
As I said, I am NOT an M.Deity, so no one should take my medical advice, e.g., "If you have 5 comorbidities you will die". I don't REALLY know that to be true. I looked up the definition of comorbidity and it merely means, "the state of being comorbid". So, it could be that you are just some regular person as I engaging in being morbid ("an attitude, quality, or state of mind marked by excessive gloom") with another.
But, perhaps such a flippant comment as this takes away from the Seriousness of this Posting? Where's are the fucking moderators and censors when you really need them ?!!!
I had a guest "Fact-Checker" for this post.
"Love your calculator.
I object to your references: zero hedge, off guardian, Swiss policy research. You won’t get facts there, sometimes half truths possibly"
Fact-Checking the Fact-Checker
It is true that in a footnote I did refer to a couple of articles (on a long enough time scale the probability of survival goes to zero) there were no references to or
Geez, Tim. You ARE serious. I mean, when I saw the photo of your HP-15C Reverse Polish Entry Notation Scientific Calculator, I got totally verklempt and a little tear formed in my right eye (better than my wrong eye, indeed). I was so overwhelmed with emotion, in fact — especially when you mentioned Texas — that I pulled out my standard Texas Instruments TI-30X♊︎S calculator purchased in 2009 and checked the P-value for my own possible death by CoVid-1984.
As it turns out, there is a 100% confidence level that I will NOT die either by, with, for, under, around, inside, near, or over CoVid-1984, since the so-called virus has never been scientifically isolated, purified, or seen under a microscope. This confidence level surely extends to my half-life, even though I don't know how to calculate that. In light of this factual information, I am officially declaring this so-called virus "CovAin't" and will start publishing my findings in all the respected journals. I wonder how the M.Deities will respond. The prospect is exciting, although I guess since they're getting kickbacks for every positive diagnosis and jab administered, most (read: all) of them will hate my conclusions and call on the fact-checkers to put that warning stamp on my articles and probably on my forehead, too.
I was thinking of using Chi-Squared and Z-Star stats somewhere in my future journal articles, just because they sound so frickin' cool, but I don't remember the formulas or when to use them. Also, I burned my statistics book after I passed the class with an "A" so I'll have to rely on experts who have maintained their ability to use all those nifty formulas. I'm concerned about that, since a lot of "experts" these days seem to be peddling "interesting" numbers and "data sets" while changing definitions of important stuff right before they issue new warnings and new (old) mandates, and place the latest "conspiracy theorist" under the Science®©℗™ Cancel Culture Guillotine.
Anyway, I'm glad to read about your seriousness level ("REALLY" is impressive). Do you have a formula for that? I want to check my seriousness level, too!
Sharine --
That was funny, I got a nice good laugh reading it. Of course, I'm also wondering if we should be checking our "Seriousness Levels" or rather our "Sanity Levels". I'm afraid to check mine these daze. I'm just hoping I have an ever-increasing "Funny Level".
I didn't understand that one part about "respected journals" -- is there really such a thing? On what planet do you live? Do they allow aliens (e.g. humans) to publish in their journals?
Anyway, maybe some of the aliens from your planet have infiltrated Earth, just saw this:
“The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease” – Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates
The article contains the full 34 page ruling by the Judge, clearly an alien from your planet.
Tim, I like the "Funny Level" idea and might just reach out to some experts for help creating an applicable chart. On second thought, I'll talk to my husband, who is really funny, not like any of the self-proclaimed "experts"!
RE: "Respected journals": Thank you for pointing out that I do indeed seem to live on another planet. Perhaps instead of medical journals there are some Communication Studies journals here on Earth that might accept my findings. That was my discipline in college for my B.A., and I took all the opportunities during my major classes to do rhetorical criticism, something that I personally think A LOT OF PEOPLE need to engage in, and right quick.
Anyway, thanks for the link: Too bad this judge was just fitted for concrete shoes. (Kidding of course, but I'll stay apprised.) Also interesting is the judge's last name: Doughty. Doubt-y of fake "data" perhaps?!
I think Google is on to you ... the E-Mail notifying me of this comment showed up in my Spam folder marked as Spam ! You better get a new alias E-Mail Account.
And, I hope this association with you hasn't rubbed off on me ... we should end this "Thread".
Or just wear your listed status as a badge of honor by speaking with as many sane people as possible.
"Truth seeker" is just a modern euphemism for potential terrorist, which is just a euphemism for political dissident, which is just a euphemism for emergent threat to totalitarianism.
I don't know, should I stop wearing my garlic bulb necklace ?