Ok, me Babbling again (i.e., a long Post). Some Questions I have:
So, a lot places today have vaccine mandates (e.g., to play duplicate bridge in Bloomington Indiana, or go watch baseball in de Blasio’s totalitarian dystopian NYC). So, if people really BELIEVE that they are protected from CoVid by their vaccination, why are they worried about whether others are vaccinated? Will we next demand an Annual Flu Vaccine for our Vaccine Passports?
Speaking of the Annual Flu — the CDC has been keeping very good statistics on flu deaths for decades, and so are very expert at this and you can trust their numbers (/s = /sarc = sarcasm). They use these numbers to scare people into getting their annual flu shot. Before CoVid, the CDC reported an average of about 35,000 people (0.01% of the population) dying every year from the Flu in the U.S; well, 35,000 with a margin of error of about 24,000 to be more precise! That’s about how good and precise they are at counting flu deaths with their decades of experience! (/s). But somehow today, overnight, we KNOW the EXACT number of people dying from CoVid in every state and in every country every single day at midnight. Is the Bill Gates-Funded World-O-Meter the voice of God?
It takes a few months for the CDC to tabulate all the death certificates to just come up with a with a fairly accurate number for how many people died a few months ago (of any cause). But every night at midnight we have the exact official number of how many people have died from CoVid in every state and every country in the world. OK, I’m repeating myself. But how do they do that ? Is the Gates-funded Word-O-Meter the voice of God? OK, I’m repeating myself again. These numbers are recited breathlessly on the news everyday. Do you believe them? If so why? (Because that’s what was reported in the MSM doesn’t count).
Annual Flu — According to the CDC about 35,000 people die from the flu each year. OK, so I’m again repeating myself again. That is why it is so important to get your flu shot (/s). And, this year, NO ONE to first (or even second) order, died of the Annual Flu. (They of course all died of CoVid instead). Is that even possible? I’d love to hear an explanation for that which won’t cause me to fall out of my chair laughing. Do I just dis-believe this year’s number? Or do I BELIEVE this year’s number and dis-believe all the previous numbers? Or, do I just not BELIEVE any of the CDC Flu numbers?
All the numbers of CoVid “Cases” have been based upon a PCR test run with about 45 cycles. At 38 cycles they produce over 97% false positives and for higher cycles they are virtually ALL false positives. (No, that’s WRONG. They are NOT false positives, but rather identification of asymptomatic Super Spreaders that need to be Contact-Traced and Isolated [/s]). Why does the press even report these completely meaningless numbers? Or, why don’t they more accurately say, “Today the number of Cases rose to 15,000, but of course they are nearly all false positives, but we get paid for breathlessly reciting these numbers to keep you in a constant state of panic and fear”?
And, of course, if they test more people, they will get more “cases”. Shouldn’t the press instead of reporting the “number of cases”, rather report the ratio of the number of “cases” (i.e. false positive) to the number of tests? (I conjecture would probably be a flat line, not very interesting, let alone frightening! If the plot were to deviate from a flat line, I would then conjecture that they have changed the PCR test Cycle Threshold [Ct]). Why does the press even report these meaningless numbers as though they are Gospel?
The WHO recently said, because of the high number of cycles used in the PCR tests, which both they and the CDC had previously set as a standard, all people who have ever been tested positive need to be retested. Yeah Right. Do you think that will ever happen, and that they will ever replace these meaningless numbers with meaningful numbers? I mean, after all, Jill escorted Joe out onto the steps of the White House with the 500 candles burning with all the Press there to document and certify the 500,000 CoVid deaths, so aren’t these fraudulent numbers now enshrined as truth for posterity in the history books? Heck, that’s a lot of dead Americans, hundreds of times more than died on 9/11; shouldn’t we go to war if our “intelligence agencies” determine this virus was released purposely by the Chinese? (Or perhaps they might find that the Russians hacked the Chinese and caused this Plan/Scam/CasEdimic?) (/s).
Anyone dying (with an average of 5 co-morbidities) within 28 days of a fraudulent PCR test is a CoVid death. To be fair, shouldn’t we classify anyone dying within 28 days of getting a jab as a Vaccine death? If we did, would it not be the worst non-viral vaccine-pandemic that world has ever seen?! (If we vaccinated everyone in the U.S. in one year, most with two jabs, that would be over 500,000 deaths).
Large scale studies have been performed to determine the effectiveness of mask-wearing. And none have shown any effect. So why do Authorities, allegedly “Following the Science”, mandate mask-wearing? And why do you wear a mask?
Similarly, many jurisdictions, states and countries imposed (or did not impose) varying degrees of “Lock-Downs” (anti-social distancing, school and business closures, stay at home orders, etc.); consequently there is a MOUNTAIN of DATA proving that NONE of these Totalitarian Lockdowns had ANY effect on the fraudulent number of “Cases” and “Deaths”. Well, Duh! Since the numbers are all fraudulent, as I conjecture just a measure of how many tests are being performed and Ct used, why would you expect to see any effect? So, why do Authorities, “Following the Science”, continue with “Lockdowns” and other mandates? And why do you follow their unconstitutional Totalitarian mandates?
But it’s worse than that! While all these Totalitarian Lockdowns have had no effect on the number of CoVid “Cases” (false positives), or “Deaths”, they do increase the number of Excess Deaths (i.e., the harsher the Lockdowns, the more people die, plain and simple). So, why do politicians “Following-the-Science” to “save lives” engage in these Totalitarian Lockdowns which cause more people to die? And why are people, who also, of course, “Follow-the-Science”, going along with this charade?
You don’t have to have a Ph.D. in physics to come up with these questions. Why isn’t one single journalist, or politician, or the CDC, or the WHO or YOU, asking these questions? (Those who do are all censored for not “Following the Science” [i.e., not “Following the Narrative”], and are Fact-Checked-Wrong Anti-Vax Right-Wing-Extremist White-Supremicist-Trumtard Flat-Earther Conspiracy-Theorists Who-Torture-Puppies and are clearly Domestic-Terrorist Super-Spreaders, if not worse).
I’ve just scratched the surface. In the Comment Section, please add some more Good Questions. (E.g., why is Dr. TimE. wasting his time writing this silly blog and why doesn’t he get a life?). NOT a good question! At least try to keep your questions “on-topic”, and no fucking profanity ! (Comments are not moderated or censored!)
Oh, I just can’t stop once I get started. One last question. My personal experience has been that the more educated people are, the more they BELIEVE. Does the educational system merely train us to BELIEVE Authorities and not to question them?
OK, just one last last question: I think all the “scientists” going along with this CoVid and other charades, are giving “science” a bad name (but of course they need their jobs); I certainly won’t believe any report in the future in the MSM beginning with “Scientists say … “. In the same way race car drivers have patches all over their uniforms showing their sponsors, shouldn’t also politicians be required to wear patches showing their sponsors, with the size of the patches proportional to donations received (Big Pharma is by a factor of two the largest industry lobbying group)? And similarly scientists? (Note: I am an Independent Scientist and receive no funding from any sources; I still believe in science, but don’t believe in the “Follow-the-Science“ religion.)
Or, the other-other hand, instead of leaving more questions, if you have answers to any of these questions, please leave them for me. Be sure to use the “/s” appropriately because many people might BELIEVE whatever funny sarcasm, absurdity or “impossible thing” you write if you present yourself as an Authority.
Perhaps I’ll end with a Quote from C.S. Lewis’s Alice in Wonderland:
Alice laughed. “There's no use trying,” she said. “One can't believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven't had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Just how many Impossible Things and Contradictions am I supposed to BELIEVE today before breakfast (i.e., if I were to turn on the radio and listen to NPR)? Maybe I could BELIEVE, perhaps I’m just not trying hard enough. By “Turning It Up To 11” have all the “Authorities” and the MSM lost ALL their Credibility? Or, have they just confused people so much they don’t even know which question to ask, because they change the Narrative so fast that people just give up, and just BELIEVE whatever next “Impossible Thing”?
I recently read a nice article that I might say I wish I had written:
CJ Hopkins Exposes "The War On Reality"
Is there an objective reality anymore? Or just competing Narratives? Is there even science anymore?
Another good read (not that I agree with everything he says [I do question and do my own research]): How Real Science Became Fake News
And, of course, there is that classic treatise everyone wishes they had written:
“The Dawn of a New (Follow-the-Science) Religion“.
And I’m pretty sure this is my Last Last Posting re CoVid-1984. Perhaps I’ll get a life …
Yeah, Right. Yeah Sure.
Hello TimE! I have a question…we were wondering about these so-called “variants”. I have a friend with a medical background (specifically lab tests, cancers…etc) and she CLEARLY drank the kool-aid. And believes the trash tv show “the View” is “interesting”…pardon a moment while I puke at that thought. Anyways, she said to me that the so-called “variants” are growing in number because of the unvaccinated. Hubby (who did go to med school) and I were discussing this and we both believe the exact opposite to be true. If there are in fact “variants”…that they would likely form (mutate) in order to survive the vaccine itself. The WHY of what is going on is mind boggling and frustrating and irritating and a lot of other “ing’s” but I have a second question. If this virus is SOOOOO contagious, why must they stick the test swab up into your brain (nearly) to “test”. Why can’t sputum…cheek swab, or some other form be used. Hell, perhaps the mask itself!? Given your discourse (I don’t mind you repeating yourself) on tests and the way results are manipulated (of course they are!) I wonder, what exactly, historically, does this time remind you of - maybe a wee more recent than Galileo! We are a nation that has been lied to, intentionally frightened and had our basic freedoms trampled….my husband and many in my family fought for those freedoms and it pisses me off that people just buy that shit fed to them by the MSM. The growing number of idiots and power hungry other idiots is demoralizing. But I have to say, I am glad you celebrated and ate too much food. Damn, I would have liked too much food too. I hope we take control of our lives back, sheesh. I am going to share your posts with my nephew, he is a brainiac, like you…
Keep em running…don’t stop writing….you have a life - this is just one facet of an accomplished man’s life.