Hello TimE! I have a question…we were wondering about these so-called “variants”. I have a friend with a medical background (specifically lab tests, cancers…etc) and she CLEARLY drank the kool-aid. And believes the trash tv show “the View” is “interesting”…pardon a moment while I puke at that thought. Anyways, she said to me that the so-called “variants” are growing in number because of the unvaccinated. Hubby (who did go to med school) and I were discussing this and we both believe the exact opposite to be true. If there are in fact “variants”…that they would likely form (mutate) in order to survive the vaccine itself. The WHY of what is going on is mind boggling and frustrating and irritating and a lot of other “ing’s” but I have a second question. If this virus is SOOOOO contagious, why must they stick the test swab up into your brain (nearly) to “test”. Why can’t sputum…cheek swab, or some other form be used. Hell, perhaps the mask itself!? Given your discourse (I don’t mind you repeating yourself) on tests and the way results are manipulated (of course they are!) I wonder, what exactly, historically, does this time remind you of - maybe a wee more recent than Galileo! We are a nation that has been lied to, intentionally frightened and had our basic freedoms trampled….my husband and many in my family fought for those freedoms and it pisses me off that people just buy that shit fed to them by the MSM. The growing number of idiots and power hungry other idiots is demoralizing. But I have to say, I am glad you celebrated and ate too much food. Damn, I would have liked too much food too. I hope we take control of our lives back, sheesh. I am going to share your posts with my nephew, he is a brainiac, like you…

Keep em running…don’t stop writing….you have a life - this is just one facet of an accomplished man’s life.

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Hi !

Yep, I call them "Scarients" -- as in, "Gosh, which one to be more scared of now, the Delta or the new Lamba?".

And, yes, I've seen arguments that the Scarients are due to the Vax, and also (I think to put more pressure on people to get Vax'd) blamed on the unvaccinated in the MSM. And, on the Other-Other hand, it is probably also true that viruses are mutating all the time with or without vaccines. So, I would guess, what is true is that regardless of the source, we can probably have new Scarients ad infinitum. I speculate that the Scarients can be used to "explain" the ineffectiveness of the Vax's, and also to scare people into getting an endless series of "Booster" mRNA updates to their operating systems (the MicroSoft Model!).

I think nearly everyone will be abandoning the up-the-nose PCR test because ALL National and International "Health Organizations" have now dis-avowed it (after specifying it, and knowing from Day 1 that is was BS). Of course, it sure was useful to create such a Case-Edemic for the past 18 months. I'm not sure what will be the new test (presumably we should pay attention to which technologies and companies Bill Gates is buying and what patents Fauci and the CDC have ! Sarcasm, but who knows!).

Regarding the "WHY" -- that is a very interesting question, but that get's out of the realm of science, what we can "prove" or "know" and into the realm of speculation. At a minimum, to keep us "afraid" (and consequently very easily-manipulated). Perhaps people were getting a little complacent about terrorists under their bed or the Russians hacking their toasters.

And yes, just thinking back a couple a decades, I was one of the first signatories (with my picture and statement) on the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth website, calling for an independent investigation, especially regarding Building 7. A shitload of traction these scientists and engineers have had! Yes, it is easy to get demoralized ...

So, yes, it's been going on non-stop (I can remember the "Domino Theory and Vietnam), but not just recently; I'd say definitely WAY back before the times of Galileo -- to the times of the Mayans, Egyptians, etc. Religion was usually used to control populations (today we have the "Follow-the-Science" religion). Of course today, with control over the press, censorship way beyond what the Church was able to do, and scientifically-weaponized fear-mongering and propaganda, it goes way beyond what Orwell could imagine. So, I believe it is all about control for sure; what their other ends may be I can only speculate. And who is directing and orchestrating all these organizations and countries, again, I have no idea. What I can KNOW is that their Story doesn't make sense, and how EVERYONCE cannot see, as you point out, pretty amazing! The Force (of their Propaganda) is very strong, Luke Skywalker!

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