Well, according to this video which I like, perhaps 20% of people are "lone wolves" rather than "pack wolves" (e.g., the number of people that just can't be hypnotized):


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Once I went to a show in Las Vegas a long time ago featuring a hypnotist who played tricks on the set of volunteers from the audience after he hypnotized them for amusement the rest of the audience. I thought it would be hoot to be hypnotized, so I volunteered. The hypnotist checked out each of the volunteers and dismissed about 20-30% of us, including me - he had a means of telling who the hard heads that cannot be hypnotized were - So I assumed, he did not tell us exactly why he rejected us.

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I read somewhere about 33% cannot be hypnotized, 33% can be hypnotized easily and 33% are in the middle.

That explains alot.

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Heh, I came to the same conclusion.

Actually, there is no crime or stupidity great enough that the people who go along wouldn't have an advantage as long as the majority does it.

Let's directly jump the endboss of all examples:

You live in 33-45 Germany. If you go along and join the party, this will help you with a nice career. If you oppose, it might lead to losing everything, even your life.

After 45, you can just go with "we didnt know better", "everyone did it" or even "I was forced". Who's going to judge you? The majority of people who did exactly the same?

Not even externals (allies) can judge too hard, if they dont want to kill everyone and work with the country.

You keep your career steps while the ither guy is still dead or starts at zero.

Just make sure to not be in the first line, with the loudest individuals, where people might remember your individual role when the wind turns.

Unfortunately, being a sheep seems to be evolutionary advantageous and I dont see any countering mechanisms.

Would well explain why most people act like this.

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Yeah, more recent example:

The MSM Hyped-Hysteria CoVid-1984 Mass-Psychosis Fear-Pandemic --

Did you Mask and Vax ?

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It applies to a lot of examples:

Witch hunts, communist terror, anti-communist hysteria, covid, etc.

Basically every ideology or agenda driven mass movement.

Concerning game theory, going along is usually the "better" choice.

I hope I'm overlooking some factors that balance this.

Actually covid might really be an exception, as in this case there might be an evolutionary disadvantage, depending on what exactly the kong term impact of tha vaccines will be.

No, I did not vax.

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Yeah, I didn't mean "you" personally !

And, yeah, while not going along with the CoVid Insanity did have some short term negative effects for many people (e.g., job loss), in this case, those not going along might have been the winners.

I too didn't Vax or Mask.

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Lol, I’m following you,(moar lol). On the band aid comment, that is better than 1/4 of 6th grade spent in the hall. Darn, if only I had conformed and got in line all this scorn could be erased. But certain to this day, that was who I am.

Did I mention rolling marbles to the front of the classroom? Oh never mind.

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Aug 13, 2021
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No, it was not "solid science" as there were no DATA that I compared with a Theory or Story. It was just me babbling.

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