Lisbon court rules only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, not 17,000 claimed (despite a positive fraudulent PCR test.
“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”
My friend who I wrote about, saying:
"... I got 2 doses of Moderna 6 weeks ago, also reluctantly and under tremendous pressure from my family and my lab co-workers",
E-Mailed me saying:
"I agree with everything you wrote in this blog post. I wish i wrote it."
He's probably just saying that to make me feel good ! : )
And see:
See Table 4:
Almost 10 times as many fully vaccinated people died as non-vaccinated people.
Lisbon court rules only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, not 17,000 claimed (despite a positive fraudulent PCR test.
“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”
Ha ha, yes I too have three hands :) Excellent post.
Thanks. I don't get the "having 3 hands" thing! I'll have to duck-duck-go that!