I believed that we had already become a 1-Party Fascist Orwellian Totalitarian State, i.e.:
IF a single party ever had control of 6 of 7 Mainstream Media (MSM outlets1; Social Media; the Search Engines2; the Universities; Hollywood and “Influencers”; the Censorship Industrial Complex; and politically-weaponized 3-letter agencies,
THEN this party could always get at least 51% of the vote. Should be no problem: “people are sheeple” as demonstrated by the MSM Hyped-Hysteria CoVid-1984 Mass-Psychosis Fear-Pandemic.
I guess I was wrong.
Perhaps there will be some changes, more than around the edges, e.g.:
The censorship-propaganda-industrial-complex will be at least partially dismantled (Special Thanks to Elon Musk and his “Twitter Files”).
With Tulsi Garabard as Director of National Intelligence, for starters:
Lieutenant Colonel Tulsi Gabbard, veteran, 4-term congresswoman and presidential candidate, will probably get taken off the Terrorist Watchlist;
In the future you won’t have “51 Intelligence Officials” saying something like “Hunter Biden’s laptop has all the hallmarks of Russian DisInformation” (election interference);
Nor will you have a political party being able to claim a made-up “Russia-Gate” for political advantage (more election interference);
With RFK, Jr. Secretary of HHS, and looking at our “sick-care” system, I’m sure:
the hold of Big Pharma, more interested than profit than health, will be ameliorated in the captured-agencies (e.g., CDC, FDA);
we won’t have another CoVid-1984 Scamdemic;
the “Safe and Effective” Narrative will die a slow ugly death;
To Pfizer and Moderna share-holders, sorry your stocks are already down;
We’ll probably see improvements in our Glycophosphate-poisoned GMO food supply;
I probably won’t have to buy my Ivermectin in Mexico, or order Petmectin here in the U.S., and will probably be able to buy raw-milk cheese from the Amish without it being labeled “Pet Food”3.
With Matt Gaetz as Attorney General, we might once again have a semblance of a “Justice” Department, not a “Just-Us” Department;
We’ll probably see the end of our proxy war with Russia in the democratic4 country of Ukraine;
We’ll probably never again see those “missing 10 million Democratic voters” in an election5;
And we’ll see the end of the MSM, which is more propaganda than news, though this is already happening6, even though there are still some Believers7, and we’ll probably need fewer “Fact-Checkers” which weren’t needed until some of the truth started getting out via Alternative Media.
And, on the Other Hand, some things won’t change, and maybe Trump will be left holding the bag, e.g.:
We will still be a nation where “America First” means “Israel First”;
We will still be an enormously in-debt country with its currency created by private bankers to whom our country is indebted, and despite the efforts of Elon and Vivek, will probably continue to have unsustainable deficits;
While we still won’t manufacture much of anything for export, we shall probably remain the world’s largest exporter of printed dollars, debt and armaments8; perhaps our government-funded NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations) will export fewer Color Revolution with Victoria Nuland sidelined;
The Petro-Dollar will become less important, and the dollar will continue its collapse, along with our Empire.
And, on the Other-Other Hand, I hope, we might see some more of the Elite’s cherished Narratives, such as “Global Warming” and “Safe and Effective”9, along with ESG and DEI, lose their shine; though other Narratives, e.g. 9/1110 and who blew up the Nord Steam Pipelines, will perhaps always remain 3rd rail.
But, on the Other-Other-Other hand, perhaps I should have listened to the orchestrated media calls equating Trump with Hitler11; and perhaps listened to Whoopi Goldberg and will see that white men will be separated from their non-white wives (sorry V.P. Vance, this will be the law of the land); and all the Democrats will end up in those concentration camps dreamed up by the CDC for the anti-vaxxers12.
Well, here is one prediction you can take to the bank: in the future, Dr. TimE. will stick to simple things that he can understand, i.e., science, and keep his nose out of politics. As I have frequently lamented in the past, today even in science, there is a dearth of DATA and a plethora of Narratives and Censorship; in politics I see almost nothing but competing Narratives and Censorship. As Trish’s son Adam said to me a decade or two ago, rooting for a political party is no different than rooting for a particular sports team (or rooting for a wrestler on that old TV show, Big Time Wrestling). I think the “Uni-Party”, Deep State, the Banksters, and the Military and Medical Industrial Complexes will survive, though perhaps weakened, and we’ll continue with the fiction that we live in a “democracy”13.
The Democratic country of Ukraine does not hold elections, had banned (or imprisoned) all political opposition, and taken over all the media.
Perhaps Musk, Rogan and Carlson being the latest to popularize Alternative Media (e.g. https://modernity.news/2024/11/13/tucker-joe-rogan-has-changed-american-history/), though there are too many names to mention of those that preceded them.
Have you gotten your CDC-recommended 10th CoVid-1984 Injection ?
Richard Gage is still at it, bless his heart:
Well, someone sent me this line, re RFK:
And then there is this one:
I'm starting to believe that Trump has his heart in the right place, but I'm more skeptical than you that he is wise enough to understand what needs to be done to solve this problem.