Read (or jump to) the end, because I saved the Best for Last!
I flew in for the “Defeat the Mandates” Rally held Sunday 23 Jan at the Lincoln Memorial in DC. You didn’t see this in the MSM1? It was covered on Zerohedge: "Do Not Comply" - Top Doctors Speak At 'Defeat The Mandates' Rally In DC — of course the silly ZH article included a YouTube link for the video of the event, and that link was already gone (censored) by the time I saw the article early the evening of the event. The full event video is here on Rumble; the speakers begin their presentations at the 45 minute mark. I challenge you to watch it — you won’t be “Woke”, but maybe rather be “Awakened”.
A few Tidbits:
Our congress gave both Big Pharma and the U.S. Government complete indemnity from responsibility for vaccine injuries2. There have been over 1 million injuries reported to the VAERS system, which underestimate the true number of injuries by a factor of 10 to 100. The organization React19 has been set up to research CoVid vaccine injuries, treatments, aid the injured, and accepts donations.
From Steve Kirsch (2 hr 19 minute mark):
Extremely effective early treatment protocols available since the beginning of the “pandemic” have been ignored, suppressed, and censored by the CDC, FDA, NIH and MSM.
The Risk/Benefit of Vaccines is NEGATIVE, killing more than they are “saving”, for children, perhaps killing 100 for every life “saved”.
From Robert Kennedy Jr (2 hr 30 minute mark):
As we all know, in 180 days the FDA reviewed all the Pfizer data, but will need 55 years to respond to FOIA request and make these data public. Huh? But what we know from Pfizer’s data so far is:
1 of the 22,000 people in the Vax’d group died of CoVid; 2 of the 22,000 in the control group: therefore 100% (relative risk) efficacy. As a physicist I’d say that’s statistically insignificant.
21 people in the Vax’d group died; only 17 people in the control group died; a bit more significant.
In the Vax’d group there were 5 fatal heart attacks; in the control group a single heart attack. This 500% negative efficacy is beginning to be significant.
And, of course, Big Pharma is basically a criminal organization, paying over 35 Billion in fines3 for their crimes over the last 10 years (but of course no one went to jail e.g. for the opioid crisis, just people with small amounts of marijuana).
Many of the speakers stayed overnight in D.C. to attend a Panel Discussion held by Senator Ron Johnson (here ZH updated their article, switching from a YouTube video to Rumble video [YouTube routinely censors this U.S. Senator and even Senate Hearings for “Covid Misinformation”]).
Some of the speakers are also on Substack, e.g., Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch. I recommend their writings, if not subscribing to them.
So, back to the Narrative is Crumbling:
New Hampshire Pharmacies Could Soon Begin Dispensing Ivermectin Without Doctor's Prescription; and
When even noted liberals such Bill Maher and Bari Wiess are saying such things as (paraphrasing),
Like, duh, we all know masks are a farce; and
Anti-Social Distancing so too has never proven not to work and is destructive; and
Like, duh, all these Shut Downs only hurt people, and kill all the small businesses while enriching the Big One’s; and
Even the fucking Vax’s don’t work … “But if they [vaccines] don’t prevent you from transmitting it and they don’t prevent you from getting it why are we still treating this disease the way we always have? And what the fuck is the use of a booster shot? Because I will never get a booster shot.” And
"...this is going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime"
then you might think the Narrative is getting a bit ragged around the edges.
Anyway, I said I’d save my best for last …
I flew into the wrong airport (Dulles, not Raegan) and was lost. Met some people Uber-ing to the Washington Monument (it’s better to be lucky than smart4); one was a United employee laid off for refusing the Vax and also headed to the same event. All I did was share a half of a banana with her, and by the end of the day, I was with a group of 10 laid off United Employees, and they bought me dinner, and gave me a ride back to the airport. These folks were all laid off for their refusal to give up their bodily integrity; and they have kids and mortgages just as many of you do. They are raising money for a lawyer to sue United. I gave them a trivial donation, but you could also send donations to Airline Employees for Health Freedom ( You can say you are donating for their kindness in adopting a lost physicist for a day in DC! They would appreciate your help. Lot’s of trivial donations add up!
If you did see this on MSM, the crowd size will be underestimated by about a factor of 30, and one MSM article associated RFK Jr. with the Proud Boys.
Congress gave Big Pharma complete indemnity from any responsibility for vaccine injuries in 1988. Injury payments instead come from the U.S. government via the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. However, this program is only for “approved” vaccines, and none of the CoVid Vaccines have yet been “approved”.
And paying more in bribes to Congress than any other industry group, by a factor of 2, including the Military Industrial Complex. It seems to me that our government has become a marketing organization for a criminal enterprise.
She told me it is even better to be Blessed. And perhaps, we’re all born both Blessed and Lucky!
Here is a 10 minute short summary of the DC March against the Mandates:
How this stays up on YouTube I have no idea.
Enjoy your posts, Tim. Liked your firsthand account of the event in DC. Have you been watching the Canadian Convoy to Ottawa? Lots of energy. Lots of support. The PM already skipped out of town. He will try to play out the clock. Not the brightest political strategist. Just brutal.