After I repeatedly prayed, “Please take him now, so that I don’t have to shoot him”, I gave up. My prayers weren’t answered, as my mom’s prayers to die also weren’t. So, instead I prayed, ”I sure hope you come back as another wolf, and not as a human”.
I did some research on the Internet: I think below and bit forward from his ears, in-line with his eyes. I've never killed an animal before. Except for some fish.
Waiting for my neighbor to come over and help me. (Nashoba is heavy). I’m drinking a shot of Remy Martin VSOP Cognac, and smoking some cigarettes — both designed to deaden your feelings. All is prepared: the back of the Subaru has been emptied and lined with plastic; the Taxidermist is on call; wearing old clothes that I can burn; and the pistol loaded.
For almost three days he hasn’t even moved an inch; or been interested in food. Food (raw beef, raw chicken legs, and raw tuna and salmon [Sashimi]) was his one real pleasure right up to the end!. Yesterday he at least drank some water. And I think of my neighbor down the street, who got his diagnosis, and told the Doctor that he had a single pill at home to take care of things; he went home, picked up his pistol, and walked out back, and that was it. Certainly, if Nashoba could have done it, he’d probably have done it long ago — hope I didn’t keep him around too long.
It was $40 to skin him, and will be another $125 for light tanning. The furrier will be some more. I think I paid over 300$ to cremate Wolfie 15 years ago. And the Coyotes are going to feast very well tonight; it will be interesting to see what’s left in the morning. The taxidermist commented, “A lot of meat on this fellow — he ate well!”. The back of the car has been cleaned out, and his carcass in the wheelbarrow ready to go north into the National Forest bordering “my”1 land.
And tonight, I can sit on my deck and enjoy the sound of the howling coyotes!
And, I don’t think I’ll get another wolf pup, even if I could find one …