Those unemployment numbers are pure BS! After 10’s of thousands have lost their jobs due to mandates & are now excluded from the workforce due to choosing bodily autonomy rather than give in to coercion, they claim this? This makes me so angry … these number crunchers deserve a special place in hell along with the rest of the hacks.

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Yes, as a corporate accountant said to me about 20 years ago, "The inflation rate will remain zero until we're all eating dog food" (referring to the Hedonic "corrections").

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Your thoughts here remind me that data is as much a powerful force for truth as it is for deception. If you can fudge the data reliably then you don't need to embellish your false story. The lie tells itself.

In my line of work, we measure our service level "in nines." A software license agreement is said to promise "three nines" if it guarantees 99.999% uptime of the system. As you can imagine (and as I have seen) it is tempting to make minor adjustments to your own measurement techniques, which have dramatic consequences for what uptime is reported at the end of the month.

"We polled it every evening at 11pm to make sure it was live. It was live 30 times. 100%."

is very different from

"We tracked every single failed and successful user request."

When the customer sees that we are meeting our SLA, by our own measurement, they tend to be satisfied and don't look closer (unless things are very, very broken).

Similarly, if you run a... bakery, let's say, and you tell your investors that you will bake six million cookies in four years, the investors probably aren't going to count them. Even though the number is outrageous.

Fudging the data is advanced evil.

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I'm really trying to point out the difference between "numbers" and DATA. Numbers can be made up, fudged, come from models. DATA comes from careful measurement and can be verified by others.

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I thought you might say something like that.

In a sense, we've never had such a massive supply of independently verifiable, raw data. Our deficit concerns its careful measurement and actual verification, I reckon.

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Let's just say, in this case, today there is no science. We rather have stories and numbers.

Science is the repeated rigorous testing of a hypothesis (or story) with measurement.

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And I just read this as part of an article on "political slavespeak"; this section was written (or spoken) on official record by L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology:


THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them. When you find an individual is lying to you, you know that the individual is trying to control you. One way or another this individual is trying to control you. That is the mechanism of control. This individual is lying to you because he is trying to control you – because if they give you enough misinformation they will pull you down the tone scale so that they can control you. Conversely, if you see an impulse on the part of a human being to control you, you know very well that that human being is lying to you. Not “is going to,” but “is” lying to you.

Check these facts, you will find they are always true. That person who is trying to control you is lying to you. He’s got to tell you lies in order to continue control, because the second you start telling anybody close to the truth, you start releasing him and he gets tougher and tougher to control. So, you can’t control somebody without telling them a bunch of lies. You will find that very often Command has this as its greatest weakness. It will try to control instead of leading. The next thing you know, it is lying to the [illegible]. Lie, lie, lie, and it gets worse and worse, and all of a sudden the thing blows up.

Well, religion has done this. Organized religion tries to control, so therefore must be lying. After a while it figures out (even itself) that it is lying, and then it starts down tone scale further and further, and all of a sudden people get down along this spring-like bottom (heresy) and say, “Are we going into apathy and die, or are we going to revolt?” And they revolt, because you can only lie to people so long.

Unfortunately there is always a new cycle of lying.”

– L. Ron Hubbard, ‘Technique 88’

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I remember Hubbard because I've always been a SciFi fan. Don't remember his SciFi books as being very good ... never got into Scientology and don't know anything about it.

Lots of words ...

In a nutshell it seems he is saying:

Truth never hurt anyone.

Lies are used to control people,

and, well, organized religion might be one of the biggest lies --

Control -- yep, having been raised a Catholic, I can see this control mechanism -- that institution controlling morality, economics, politics, even science and war for a large swath of the earth's population for almost a couple of millennia.

So, I guess I agree with this!

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"DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING": Best advice ever. This whole thing is a made-up narrative, a gargantuan false-flag to prepare the weak-minded spiritually souled-out "people" for trans-humanism and total control over their [former] lives.

Also, great photo! Are you of Norse descent?

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Yes, and unfortunately it seems that these and other made-up narratives may outlive us all!

Heinz 57 here.

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We can outlive the narratives by forming intentional communities and by using our amazing heart-mind connection to create a future free from tyranny (or at least from the worst of the tyranny)!

Keep writing!

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Thanks! Keep Commenting!

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Jan 29, 2022
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Yeah, but it's still fun pointing out that their BS numbers don't even make sense ...

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Not even a grain of sugar? That's pure bullshit.

(tastes better with sugar, actually; screw the calories)

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