In a recent posting I showed how I, and other researchers, were not be able to find ANY correlation between Vax Rates and CoVid “Deaths” or “Case numbers”, either among countries in the world, states in the U.S., or counties in the U.S. The correlation level was literally zero.
There is, however, a drug for which its use and the incidence of CoVid is stark — I’ll just show a couple of pictures below to give you an idea:
Even a blind man can see the effectiveness of this drug. Meta-analyses1 of studies show its effectiveness in preventing (prophylactically treating) CoVid is 86%, some studies showing 96% effectiveness. Not only is it effective, it is dirt cheap and absolutely safe (about 4 Billion doses have been prescribed). It has been used in many countries (e.g. India) to virtually wipe out CoVid.
This drug is of course Ivermectin.
However, for some reason2, in the U.S.:
“Smart” people in our country, who “Follow-the-Science” get all their CoVid information from the FDA, CDC, the “Free Press”, and of course Fauci and Biden (any other sources are Conspiracy Theory Websites); listen ONLY to them and GET YOUR VAX (it is proven to be safe and effective, maybe for awhile anyway8?
What a state we are in.
Oh, and the effectiveness of Ivermectin in the treatment of CoVid-1984 has been FACT-CHECKED WRONG for well over a year now, so please ignore everything written here.
Some “Conspiracy Theorists” say that you cannot have EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), which the untested-Vax’s have, if there are available (not to mention dirt cheap) safe and effective remedies.
I like this funny video:
and this last video is completely? off-topic, but I think it’s funny!
I am beginning to become hopeful, and think that there may be some real positive outcomes from this CoVid-1984 psy-op: Namely, people losing Faith and Belief in their Politicians and the MSM (not to mention the WHO, CDC, FDA and every other 3-letter agency).
U.S. Senate Hearing: "Ivermectin is 100% cure for COVID-19" Dr. Pierre Kory"