Excellent post/ All cause mortality could easily be tracked, even retroactivley, like demographics, shot vs no shots, from existant records, it the powers that be wanted to.

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I just now published a post showing a similar result for a 4rth country, Germany.


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Thank you Tim, well done. Do you have any data that can verify this data out of Japan? It appears the death rate correlates directly with the booster schedule there:


I wrote a quick reference guide about the danger of the injections, do you mind if i add the data from this article with credit to you, here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/best-evidence-quick-reference-guide

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Like your article, "Best Evidence ... ". Will take time to look at those DATA.

Yes, please help me spread my little bit of DATA !

AND -- would enjoy doing this analysis for a few more countries. I need weekly (daily is OK!) DATA on deaths and injections. I'm going to reach out to a contact in Germany to see if he can get those DATA for me.

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And you want to know something ?

The calcs are easy and take almost no time.

What is hard is finding DATA!

I took me about 10 years (elapsed time) to get the full Vostok Ice Core Data.

And then maybe a month analyzing it.

If anyone can spend the time to find me hard DATA, and send it to me, with verified pedigree, I'd love to play with it. I LOVE DATA !

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Thank you for doing the MATH! So tired of the hand waving arguments for the various government officials.

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One would think that 1 million "extra" deaths might be a story for mainstream journalists. Heck, one might think that 200,000 extra deaths might be a story. And those are just the people who died. It doesn't count the people who are now living with debilitating medical conditions or disabilities who haven't died ... yet.

The funeral homes are doing record business.

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mainstream journalist = pressitutes (stole that from what's his name).

Just part of the Propaganda Censorship Industrial Complex. They wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole if they wanted to keep their job. At NPR they instituted a "snitching" routine to report on people not completely towing the line with mask-wearing.

Do you think one of those "journalist" would put a story on their editor's desk questioning mask-wearing, if they wanted to keep their job?

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Book banning is a form of censorship as well .... actually one that leads too many unnecessary deaths. My thought being that people who could have learned life-saving information, do NOT receive such information.

Here's a personal anecdote, confirming that book store owners also know they should not carry books that challenge "The Current Thing."


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Up here in the ER in Alberta canada, I noticed a surge in Emergency department visits for strokes, heart attacks and metastatic cancers in people previously thought to be in remission. This happened within 3 months of vaccination . This doesn't even account for direct deaths from changes in ER and ICU practice as I describe here. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/a-deadly-day-in-the-er

We're witnessing the greatest crime against humanity of the millennium .

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Wow ...

I wonder if we will ever honestly account for all the "CoVid-1984-Deaths" caused by medical malpractice and the effects of the shutdowns, isolation, masks, etc.

Nah, I don't wonder.

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I looked through the entire chart searching for some kind of medical reason for the actions the doctors took, and there was none. each act seemed directed to causing a known harm and the end result was death of the patient. In the criminal world that would amount to a homicide.

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If in the Pfizer test, 1 person in 22,000 who took the vaccine died, that would imply that if 200 million in the US have had at least one shot, 91,000 would die, which is a far cry from 1,000,000. And a number of those deaths would be chance, not vaccine-caused.

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I trust Pfizer "numbers" even less than I do CDC "numbers".

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I'd think there'd be a correlation between reported covid deaths and number of vaccinations. "Gee, everybody's dying--I'd better get the shot!" If there is such a correlation, you can't turn around and say that vaccinations cause covid deaths. And if there is, it would 'explain' your findings.

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Yes, of course, an infinite number of models could be made up ...

We see CoVid "Deaths" tracking CoVid "Tests",

and All-Cause-Mortality tracking Injections.


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The correlated changes in jab rate *precede* the changes in death rate.

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There are much simpler graphical methods that demonstrate no correlation exists between vaccine rates and excess deaths, but that a good correlation exists between covid variant waves and excess deaths, as presented in the following MedCram video (begins at timestamp 23:12).


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I could (should?) have added that what I say in my Title is true after the first wave of death (how much of that due to Medical Malpractice [remember Ventilators, and isolating the aged, e.g. my mom [https://timellison.substack.com/p/my-thoughts-on-the-covid-1984-hysteria-cfe]) and the subsequent first injection wave. I tried to make it short. More than one thing can be true at the same time. For a different simple graphical effect of Injection on Mortality, see the graph in this posting:


I just tried to take all these simple graphical observations that many have been seeing and quantify them. Some, using such graphical techniques concluded that death from the injections was something like 6 months after the injection.

I too must distrust my Calcs -- it's only that I see the same effect over a long period of time and now in three jurisdictions that I'm gaining a bit of confidence in the result.

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Much respect to you and all statisticians who are looking at this virus and its consequences.

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And if I find I have gone off on a wild goose chase on this (I remember once publishing a physics paper and got corrected by a Nobel Laureate), I will be the first to expound upon it! Pushback is good, and it makes you sharpen your pencil !

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There is no virus. All staged so people would commit suicide with the bioweapon clot shots.

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That might be going a little bit too far, or not.

There was a virus in the same way there always is ...

They like to call it the "Flu Season" to hype their annual Flu Injections.

I just call it the dying season ... people tend to die more in the winter, when they are not getting any sunlight and are not outside doing things and are cooped up in their homes.

I don't know, maybe you are right.

But they sure took the regular dying or flu season, whatever you want to call it, and made it into a production and killed a lot of people and made a bunch of money. I call it the:

MSM Hyped-Hysteria CoVid-1984 Mass-Psychosis Fear-Pandemic.

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