Saw a very nice video today on YouTube by Dr. Same Bailey entitled, "Science vs Dogma". Definitely worth a look.


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Well, as usual I was wrong again! They published my editorial today in the Bloomington Herald Times, Section A page 8.

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I like this article: The More Mask Mandates Fail, the More we Need Them!


If you ever wanted an good example of people "Following-the-Science" while ignoring ALL the DATA, this is it!

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People walking around wearing masks makes me think I'm like living in the middle ages; why not mandate that everyone should walk around with a bulb of garlic around their neck to ward of werewolves? The science shows both would be equally effective, though there might be some positive outcomes of using garlic, whereas there are no documented positive outcomes from wearing masks ...

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Of course, it could also be argued, using Australia as an example, that I.U. hasn't gone far enough. They have not yet told people to not have conversations with others, even if masked, nor warning grandparents from hugging their grandkids...

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Of course Dr. (Senator) Rand Paul has been suspended from YouTube for a week over a video suggesting masks are ineffective against CoVid-1984. But this is Substack!

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This Pathologist summed things up pretty well ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/JwhAiexP0cI9/

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I sent this to the new president of I.U.

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