Tim - Have you had a chance to read Dr Michael Nehl's The Indoctrinated Brain? He also discusses how the spike protein damages the hippocampus as well as other organs especially the heart.

In the book Nehls discusses the potential impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on the human brain, focusing specifically on the hippocampus and its role in critical thinking abilities. Drawing on the latest scientific research, Nehls presents a compelling argument for the need to closely monitor and investigate the long-term effects of the vaccine on cognitive function. According to Nehls, the hippocampus is a critical region of the brain responsible for memory formation, learning, and the consolidation of new information. He argues that any disruption to the normal functioning of the hippocampus could have significant implications for an individual's ability to think critically and engage with complex ideas.

Nehls raises concerns about the potential impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on the hippocampus, citing recent studies that have suggested a possible link between vaccination and changes in brain activity. While the exact nature of this relationship remains unclear, Nehls argues that it is essential to thoroughly investigate these findings and determine whether they pose a risk to cognitive function. (Studies have also shown that the spike protein produced by Covid-19 and mRNA vaccines crosses the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to cause inflammation, micro-clotting and roughening of the endothelium i.e. blood vessel cell walls.)

It seems self evident (to me) that those who quickly complied with vaccination efforts without question were either not critical thinkers before 2020 or they got cowed into it through the propaganda of fear. It also seems clear to me that this group have suffered measureable declines in mental accuity which a critical thinker might say was the goal of the propaganda and vaccination programs in the first place.

What needs to be determined is how much have the vaccinated brains been damaged by the inflammation due to spike protein and lipid nano particles in the injections? I fear that it is far more significant than even the most discerning and skeptical medical professionals appreciate.

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I'm now reading Gabor Mate's book, Scattered.

He argues that the environment of the child is what determines most whether one develops ADHD -- the environmental effects on the developing genome.

And I have to ask the question, what causes more brain fog, the spike protein, or the insescent over-the-top denial-of-reality propaganda on the MSM? What happens when you subject humans to an overwhelming degree of cognitive dissonance? Could that have an even greater affect on the mind than the spike protein? We've had Mass Psychosis for sure!

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I hope you win the battle.

Keep strong!

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Thanks !

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