
The CDC has recommended that EVERYONE get the new CoVid-1984 Vax coming out in Sept.

Will this be:

-- An intelligence test ? or

-- A measurement of the effectiveness of the MSM/.gov Propaganda effectiveness ?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Tim Ellison

Viewed through the lens of bald-faced intentional humiliation of this nation, its people, its history, and its constitutional processes by whomever *is* really running the show (and I have my theories), much begins to make sense. As Theodore Darymple noted, in 2005, humiliation has always been the over-arching goal of tyrants (e.g., communists) vis-a-vis those they subjugate.

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Jun 29Liked by Tim Ellison

I’m still waiting for an apology or admission of error from just one of my (former) friends who were so stridently pro-vaccine. Nope, not one can bring themselves to admit they were deceived and will probably still vote for Biden or whoever the democrat cartel puts on the ballot to hasten their/our demise. Thanks for the reminder of just how bad the persecution was for those who dared to stand up to tyranny.

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Wasn't it Mark Twain who said, "It is easier to fool someone, than to convince them that they have been fooled" ? !

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Tim Ellison

All the more cringeworthy in contrast to the very presidential performance of RFK Jr in The Real Debate on X., who actually went on about the most significant issues facing the very existence of the US, and his approaches to tackle them, rather than hurling insults and lies regarding comparatively tangential culture war issues the coproate (sic) media loves to promote to help their controllers divide and conquer.

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I sure hope the MSM "Fact-Checks" their gold handicaps !

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Ha ha, yes! I also loved the way RFK Jr got a chuckle of it, and said he'd want in on that contest.

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