
Better pic of population that is being poisoned with fluoride here:


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And I have I a TYPO in the Title !

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Apr 25Liked by Tim Ellison

Yep. Fluoride free toothpaste as well, especially for children who swallow it. Ours is doing great, no cavities yet (though hes only 3).

Dreadful to think how many parents are inadvertently poisoning their children.

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Most "cavities" aren't cavities!

I got all my fillings on one visit to a dentist ... all very shallow fillings.

Later in life a dentist told me I had 8 cavities. Ignored him.

Many years later going to another dentist I told him, "If you tell me I have any cavities, I'm finding another dentist". He didn't find any that first visit, but over the next several he had me up to about 8 and asked why I didn't make appointments to get them drilled and filled. I told him I didn't think I had any cavities. So, he said, let's look. And after looking said, "How about if we put a 'watch' on this one"!

I later found a dentist in the country who never found a cavity -- but once had to remove and replace one of those old metal fillings that I had never needed.

I now have my teeth cleaned professional by a dentist (not hygienist) in Mexico -- she charges me 10$, has the latest and best technology, and never once hinted that I might need a filling or need an X-Ray!

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Keep this a secret!

If their teachers find out, they may take your kids away from you, or perhaps, not let them attend since they haven't been "Vax'd" against cavities!

(sarcasm ?)

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Homeschool ;)

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I wish I were to have been home-schooled.

Sitting at a desk bored out of mind all day ...

I'm sure everything I learned, that was worth learning, I could have learned in about an hour, and spent the rest of my day having Phun and learning other things!

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Apr 25Liked by Tim Ellison

Cochrane study from 2015.

Too much fluoride gives you fluorosis which is tooth decay by another name. A bit like modern polio vaccines that give you polio, influenza vaccines that give you influenza etc etc.

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Apr 25Liked by Tim Ellison

“There is very little contemporary evidence, meeting the review's inclusion criteria, that has evaluated the effectiveness of water fluoridation for the prevention of caries.

The available data come predominantly from studies conducted prior to 1975, and indicate that water fluoridation is effective at reducing caries levels in both deciduous and permanent dentition in children. Our confidence in the size of the effect estimates is limited by the observational nature of the study designs, the high risk of bias within the studies and, importantly, the applicability of the evidence to current lifestyles. The decision to implement a water fluoridation programme relies upon an understanding of the population's oral health behaviour (e.g. use of fluoride toothpaste), the availability and uptake of other caries prevention strategies, their diet and consumption of tap water and the movement/migration of the population. There is insufficient evidence to determine whether water fluoridation results in a change in disparities in caries levels across SES. We did not identify any evidence, meeting the review's inclusion criteria, to determine the effectiveness of water fluoridation for preventing caries in adults.

There is insufficient information to determine the effect on caries levels of stopping water fluoridation programmes.

There is a significant association between dental fluorosis (of aesthetic concern or all levels of dental fluorosis) and fluoride level. The evidence is limited due to high risk of bias within the studies and substantial between‐study variation.”

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It seems my dental issues have been due to TOO MUCH FLUORIDE and I lived in Fla which I've had dentist ask me " where did you grow up" and Florida back in the 50s & 60s levels were way too high & now I'm looking for teeth implants that I can afford.

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It might be worth your while to take a vacation to Mexico. While you might not be able to afford care in the U.S., you probably could in MX.

I get my teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist, not a hygienist, using the latest painless technology for 10 $. And my dentist there never once told me I have a cavity. In the U.S. they always want to do X-Rays and will tell me I have 10 cavities to be filled!

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Fluoridation: Follow the Money - Multi-billion dollar international conglomerates, which benefit from tooth decay and fluoride sales, pour money into organized dentistry, which is behind virtually every fluoridation initiative. Money makes dentistry politically powerful and enables them to get laws passed to benefit dentists' bottom line.

The American Dental Association (ADA), many of its over 250 constituent state and city associations are benefactors of corporate dollars along with other fluoridation-promoting dental groups, schools and organizations.

Dentists, inside and outside of government and industry, seem to have vast amounts of money and influence to promote fluoridation. Where does it come from?

Continued: https://fluoridedangers.blogspot.com/2014/01/fluoridation-follow-money-by-carol-s.html

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If people question me, I'll send them to your Blog --- thanks!

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"ever think about flouride" - yes

but I notice the people who regularly consume it sure aren't thinking! :p

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