Follow-up on "Real Science being Done"
Does the MSM, CDC, FDA and of course Fauci and Biden have any credibility left?
This is NOT a posting about the MSM Hyped-Hysteria CoVid-1984 Mass Psychosis Fear Pandemic1. It’s just merely an article about Ivermectin, which I find quite interesting:
As summarized in, there are now 78 studies (56 peer-reviewed, 33 the gold standard [RCT’s, or Randomized Control Trials]). And again, not saying a thing about CoVid-1984, these studies show that Ivermectin reduces the probability of being hospitalized, admitted to an ICU, or dying.
And, as mentioned in my previous posting, There is some REAL Science being done — countries routinely using Ivermectin in Africa show pretty stark-obvious health benefits compared to those that don’t.
A recent controlled study of over 220,000 people in a city in Brazil showed, again not mentioning CoVid-1984:
Hospitalization rate was reduced by 100% in strict users, compared to non-users and to sporadic users [of Ivermectin], and
In propensity score matched groups, multivariate-adjusted mortality rate was 90% lower in strict users compared to non-users (p = 0.003) and 79% lower than in sporadic users (p = 0.05), while sporadic users had a 37% reduction in mortality rate compared to non-users (p = 0.043). (I don’t think there are any such studies showing similar effect from the VAX; in fact, such studies might even show the opposite).
And, as pointed out in my previous posting, Real Science, the health benefits from using Ivermectin (especially for someone as I, living in the woods with wolves) to get de-wormed/de-parasited every 65 years or so, is quite compelling.
So, when I was in Ajijic Mexico a couple of weeks ago, I went into a local Pharmacia and bought some Ivermectin and have taken my first course. I’m thinking that I may now deworm myself perhaps on the same schedule that I needed to deworm/de-parasite my wolves2. I also got my teeth cleaned professionally by a dentist (not a dental hygienist) for 9.10 USD3. Now, these two things taken together, along with my nice tan, make me think all the single women in Brown County will be lined up to get a date with me when I return4.
But here’s a question:
the health benefits of Ivermectin (again, Frank, no mention of CoVid-1984) are so stark as illustrated above; and
the WHO lists Ivermectin as an “essential medicine” (along with oxygen and fentanyl, go figure),
Why do the CDC and FDA have warnings against the use of this very safe drug that has been used by almost 4 billion humans? and
Why (see humorous , 2 minute video)5 does the MSM refer to this drug as a “horse-dewormer”?
Of course, this was a rhetorical question. But this should be wake-up call for folks to stop listening to the MSM, the WHO, CDC, FDA, and of course Fauci and Biden for any good health information.
Hi Frank old Buddy! Let’s see if I can short-circuit a comment by you, ;-), regarding this posting that by discussing Ivermectin I might perhaps be giving credence to the bullshit Plan/Scam/Fear-demic !
I will ask my doctor (first I have to find one, haven’t been to one in years) to prescribe this for me here back in the U.S. and see if Medicare will pay for it. Finding a doctor to prescribe it might be a good filter in finding a good doctor.
Why is getting your teeth cleaned in Mexico over 10 times less expensive than in the U.S.? I don’t know, but I’d guess my dentist did not have a few hundred thousand dollars of student loans to pay off!
What do you think? Or would I have a better chance of getting a date by getting Vax’d and getting a Vax-certificate ? I did have to get a CoVid-1984 test to fly back from Mexico to the U.S., though I did not have to be tested to fly to Mexico.
While you can find this video on YouTube, by the time I post this it will probably have disappeared so I’m giving you a Bitchute link.
Excellent 👍
Thanks again. Seems as though
Dr Tom Cowan has shed some light on the medical malfeasance and (my ad) pay to play medical mafia complex.
Good luck to anyone needing real medical care.
True bloods have a bounty on their heads!
Our organs are valuable. Hospitals got the memo. Beware...