
Thanks to Joan who looked up Humming Birds in her Bird Book and gave me a quick education.

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So, your narrative (oops, Narrative) is actually true.

Schwab and Gates are not going to want you on their team.

Actually I have had the notion that the WEFers are going to put out a book to compete with the Bible. New creation myths.

People do get sucked into narratives; we like who-dunnits to enjoy deducing the narrative.

Gosh, anything odd around here and I make up a narrative for it; just so I can shut up about it because I have it sorted.

Hummingbirds sound lovely. We have fantails and goldfinch; in the small bird category.

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Is a leak a whistle blower.

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I went away for a week, beginning Sat 27 Aug.

For the week previous, the Humming Bird Feeder had hardly gone down.

When I came back, a week later, it was empty !

Birds passing though on their way South ?

Anyway, I filled it up today (Mon 05 Sept),

so you can stop worrying now.

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Why did you think that you needed a new bird feeder?

Was the rust contaminating the syrup.

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