So, went to Story Indiana to listen to Music and do a "Paint and Sip". The beautiful woman painting next to me asked me about my necklace, and I told them my story. She wanted to buy if from me, but I gave it to her and she wore it home. I will admit, it looked better on her than me.

She says she's going to patent the idea and then sue me if I continue to wear them! Edible jewelry, could be the next big fad, and you heard here first!

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You are an amazing soul sir!

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OK, so, people ask me, "So, how come you can never get a date". One might think it could be my personality (like I've always said, I've never need to worry about birth control, I've just relied on my personality), but now I have another excuse -- some people just don't like garlic, go figure.

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AND, while I do Science, I am an Apostate from the "Follow-the-Science" religion.


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