I need to add in a Funny !

The MDieties wear WHITE jackets (robes),

while the Priests wore BLACK cassocks (robes).

So, it is easy to know whom to trust !

Just like in the cowboy westerns with white and black hats !

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I like this (from https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/omicron-subvariant-xbb-1-5-could-be-more-likely-to-infect-vaccinated-nyc-health-officials_4987719.html )

"The Omicron XBB.1.5 variant of COVID-19 is more likely to infect individuals who have been vaccinated, according to New York City health officials.


"Despite this, the department urged New Yorkers to get vaccinated and receive the updated COVID-19 booster shot, "

Yup ... I clearly need to take additional courses in Statistics AND Logic ...

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I would like for you to guess what is going to happen once people realize they have poisoned their kids? Is it going to be Street justice all over America or something else?

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As Mark Twain said,

It is far easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.

It ain't gonna happen; the Propaganda is too good !

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I highly doubt they will ever admit or acknowledge the truth of what has been done.

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I think you have the right of it. I sense that in every profession and science, the core skills - the basic skills - that ground the quality of all analysis and must be present in all disciplines - is gone.

Dumbed down from decades of falling moral, ethical and philosophical standards, courtesy of the educational system. (I use a rule of thumb - the larger the trade surplus the smarter the educational system and VICE VERSA!).

My prior wheelhouse was the investment industry. From being a hands on investor on behalf of very large institutions, to advising those large institutions which investment managers they should select and investment strategies that would provide the best returns within tolerable risk boundaries.

What I see is a complete lack of numeracy amongst the majority of politicians and a lack of intelligence and expertise within the Federal agencies tasked with providing intelligence and expertise. Truly shameful that the "system" is not self correcting with proper quality management of staff and processes. Perhaps Federal agencies and their equivalents across the globe have always been deficient and it is simply that they have never been put under this degree of stress. It would be terrible to discover all these harms were the result of racketeering and corruption.

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I think, how can the Universities even hold up their heads anymore ?

By mandating that their students wear masks and get Vax'd,

they've shown themselves to not be institutes of higher learner or critical thinking,

but merely Purveyors of Narrative.

And more so I pity the Physics departments at these Universities,

for it seems they have forgotten what science even is --

Today it is BELIEF in Narratives and Models,

rather than BELIEF in DATA and questioning and being skeptical of all Stories, Narratives, and Models.

I can't see how the universities, or physics departments, can ever recover from this.

They have lost all credibility.

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