And with this data does anyone...ANYONE really believe Biden and his Family were given the jab.....not in a NY microsecond!! One BIG SCAM.

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Yes, he did, on camera! But I'm sure he got a saline solution !

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If you could actually prove that, I believe that would wake quite a few people up.

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I said that flippantly !

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Not so sure now, a few days after the "debate".

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Exactly it was all a show.. A lot of these celebrites did not get it either, just a big show..

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I've heard something to the effect that many athletes did not get the jabs, but it was hush-hush as long as they kept hush-hush. But indicators of the effects of the mass jabbings of athletes abound, such as the well documented on-field collapses and deaths, and even matters such as an astonishing run of hockey scores hitting the "over" last year, consistent with poor goaltending and defense, and the cratering of the performance of many baseball players. Cognitive impairments can definitely affect such performance. I also wonder about the atrocious performance of the Michigan Wolverines in the 2021 playoff, a week after they reportedly got the jabs. That was not the same team that creamed Ohio State and Iowa en route.

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Having watched Biden in The Real Debate (the one on X with RFK Jr), I wouldn't be surprised if he's enough of a believer that he actually got it. Shows all the signs, and his decline has been very rapid since then, as compared to before. No jab believers would make the connection, attributing it to "normal aging", and it's convenient for the party to swap him out for an even worse or slicker hand-picked WEF puppet.

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Who knows, most politicians probably got the Placebo --


But, yeah, the mRNA-Injection is associated with Alzheimer's


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Hard to tell what's what these days, things have gotten so far out into the outer reaches of the Twilight Zone. I would expect the most likely to have gotten actual jabs were the truest believers who actually don't support a democidal program, but are mere tools and useful idiots of the cabal.

For example, though it's a small sample size, a percentage much greater than the historical norm of Dem senators have suffered health issues consistent with COVID jab reactions, as have Gavin Newsom, and even members of the UK Royal Family. The belief may run deeper and even the most prominent believers more disposable than we think.

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No not scam, it’s more like One Big “Democide” !!!!!!!

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No shots to anyone deemed to project excess political risk.

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Its going to get worse.. They purposely put different lots of poison so people would not die all at once, so people are going to be dying in waves for a long long time all over the world and they will die by cancer and heart attack's and all kind of complications and diseases from the poison bio weapons, so they will not blame in on the poison bio weapons, especially since they banned autopsies..

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Well it’s been said hindsight is 20/20 which it is. But, let’s think back on this for a few seconds. When has an alleged vaccine ever ever been pushed like this one?

Hmmmm, like never! Well if that ain’t a big red flag I don’t know what is. Let’s, keep it simple folks what we are witnessing today is the worlds biggest DEMOCIDE known to mankind. What kills my soul is only a very few didn’t fall for it and questioned everything.

So, this leads my curiosity to my next question, why? Why did folks blindly follow this like sheep to the slaughter? Is it the flouride in the water?, the gmo foods?, the chit they are spraying in the air? Are tel-lie-visions really that powerful? Have our schools dumbed down people to the point of no return?

Like many of you I’m still searching for answers. If someone here finds them, please let me know, because I’m getting a bald spot from scratching my head, lol 😂.

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I think it is human nature -- we are herd animals, and most will of course go along with the herd. We also have a weaponized Propaganda and Censorship Industrial Complex that is used to guide the herd. I think it has always been this way -- look back to how the Catholic Church (and other Churches) controlled whole swathes of the Earth's population.

Re-read The Grand Inquisitor by Dostoyevsky in the Brothers Karamazov.

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I too have pondered the same issues for a very long time. One thing is that virtually every profession (medical, research - all science) , education, etc is so HIGHLY siloized that connecting the dots between all domains of human knowledge is a virtual impossibility such that most rely on the ANOINTED EXPERTS -- whomever they may deem them to be: clergy, scientists, doctors, teachers, media, governments, celebs etc.. People oveworked, families, sick and aging families, young and sick families have little time to engage in the necessary research to make informed decisions. This is by design... Dumming Down thee population on SPADES. Perhaps we need an army of retired baby boomers with the necessary expertise to navigate the tsunami of lies. Honest doctors, scientists, statisticians and researchers. Wont hold my breath. They are out there.

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Yes, e.g., the CDC, is in RFK's words, a Captured Agency (captured by Big Pharma money).

So too the media and our politicians have been captured.

And, unfortunately, when it comes to your doctor, nor can she/he be trusted -- as most, your medical professional is a highly-trained technician with a narrow breadth of knowledge, and is not at all a scientist.

And, many, millions, of doctors and scientists have been speaking out, e.g., The Great Barrington Declaration. But they are disparaged and censored, by the Censorship-Industrial-Complex, directed right from the top (e.g. Faucci).

Any health professionals that dare to speak out, or suggest alternative treatments, are censored and threatened with the loss of their jobs and livelihoods.

And, unfortunately, humans are programmed to be herd animals. Most are incapable of questioning Authority; and that do are overwhelmed by the Propaganda/Censorship-Industrial-Complex.

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it’s all connected--the death jab, abortion, sterilization by trans drugs & surgery; the deliberateness of sex confusion. Disturbing how many people don’t see it.

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I also firmly believe that this whole "trans" rights thing that's been shoved down our throats for the past several years has been done so that society will be more accepting of "trans-hunamism" when they bring it more mainstream. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum....one of the groups behind everything that's been going on, is a big fan of "trans-humanism". This is all part of the WEF "Great Reset". The Biden / Harris campaign slogan was "Build Back Better", the same slogan of the World Economic Forum "Great Reset". The "Great Reset" is, in my opinion, prelude to United Nations "Agenda 21 / 30"

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Dr Lee do not be an idiot - contribute intellectually or shut the F up!

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Bawls, you are 100% spot on! Yes, the distractions are many today. Funny thing, I am a retired baby boomer, lol 😂. Yet, I’ve been doing research into health for a long time. Unfortunately, I have more time since the untimely passing of my husband.

So, like you suggested I do my best to get the word out there and let folks make their own decisions. I love Natural remedies, yet never suggest anything I’ve not tired myself.

My sisters family calls me the voodo doctor, lol 😂. Yet, have experienced the cures first hand.

I love Substack we have so much great info and writers at our fingertips, but I understand those with families and work obligations don’t always have the time.

Hopefully, that will change as we are living in one dangerous world today.

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Yes, Tim I believe that is very true. I was never was a follower, lol 😂. It’s gotten me in deep chit over the years, but I survived just the same.

I was that kid growing up that drove my parents crazy with my incessant “whys”.

Today it seems society today lacks simple common sense. My question is why? Although, I do have my own theories. For me it’s easier to navigate these days alone but not alone with God at the helm.

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The bad news is they have injected 260 million Americans (approximately) with this poison and we (the unvaccinated) get to watch them all die.

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There is no indication that they will all die ...

The short term survival rate of being injected is about 99.9%.

We don't know about long term, but shouldn't panic as most did for CoVid-1984.

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So you have no idea about the nature of this multi-faceted poison then? What would you like to learn about? Let’s start with these three: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jm2euik7MlCV/



Watch all of these and get back to me. I have lots more. Papers - interviews- etc. - I have been collecting since they tried to inject me.

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Yup -- I know absolutely NOTHING about that!

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Ok - you optimism is a bit amazing considering. We have injected 260 million Americans with encapsulated foreign MRNA and apparently (because of manufacturing) bacterial DNA. Exactly what can possibly be the outcome that results from this? Death is the only outcome. No one will survive this and you know it.

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Have you ever seen a vaccine administered like this? Sorry, 100% orchestrated with carefully supplied syringes.


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I did a run through oecd.stat data excess weekly deaths:

US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK = cumulative 2 million EXCESS dead since 2020.

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They were aiming to kill about 200 million or so in the US alone. So. Expect many more to kick the bucket. I personally know 5. But most my family was clotshotted. My mom's had a heart attack and dad now has a very aggressive cancer. Siblings all jabbed.

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My story Doc is very similar. I tried my best to get everyone I know to study but they marched to the Fraudchi drum beat or was afraid to lose their job and got stabbed. Not me - I got fired.

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I'm lucky -- didn't have a job to lose and didn't have to face that decision.

To bad more didn't follow your example; if enough did, they wouldn't have been able to do what they did.

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I am the only tenured member of the faculty at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California that did not take the poison. They lined up like little minions with sleeves rolled up and smiling on their way to the dungeon. I was vilified via Zoom because they never would have had the courage to deal with me otherwise. I tried to share info, research and data etc…. But they would not accept anything and tried to be nasty…I went through the same with friends and family. I am not in the convincing business so at some point I simply told them I believe in your right to choose and backed off. Then the calls started to come… people were telling me about injuries like brain fog, ears ringing, dizziness, twitching, chest pains and so on…nearly everyone at my college feared loosing their jobs and took the stab experiment. I lawyered up and $65,000.00 later the fight is still going. Believe it or not it’s about refusing to test while working from home. You can’t make this stuff up. I appreciate that you are a doctor/researcher/scientist and statistician who is on the right side of history! I appreciate your position. Take care Sir! Keep fighting the good fight.

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I long for those care free days when I had free time to enjoy life. Yet, today my free time is spent on researching everything just to remain among the living.

I long for the days when I didn’t have to think twice about my foods and could eat what I wanted without wondering if it was “frankenfood”. That I could go turn on the tap for a nice cool refreshing glass of pure unadulterated water. I long for the clear skies and sunny days with puffy clouds that resembled animals.

I long for the days of mingling with people and family and hugging with abandon not worrying about what they were shedding on me.

Yet, here I sit behind a keyboard in a nicer prison, yet still a prison all because of some rich evil unelected son of a bitches who have it all are drunk on control and greed! Yet,I digress....

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It is still possible to get good food and water (I luckily have a well so don't have to worry about fluoride and whatever else is in the water). Go to the Farmer's Market and you can get good veggies and good wholesome meat.

I don't worry about shedding -- no more than I worried about getting CoVid.

Yep, a few people, whoever they are, really F'd things up big time for a lot of people.

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Thank you Tim for the fine work. We really must keep at this.

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So you’re assuming that everyone who died from COVID during that period was because of the vax? I’m struggling to see the connection here. Please someone connect the dots for me.

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Hi Tim, I’m way ahead of you on that department. I do shop my local organic farmers markets and buy my meats from regenerative organic ranchers. I do my best to stick with one ingredient foods and my water goes thru quite a process, lol 😂. It’s double filtered then distilled. I do add Fluvic acid back in to replace the minerals that may be lost as they are important too. So far so good.

I also grow many of my favorite greens indoors. As for the shedding when I’m out I do take prophylactic ivermectin and load up on the C & D and many other supplements. I also use a personal Shield Aer the keeps the air around me free from whatever is coming off of people.

So far this has worked well for me as I do care for a few seniors all triple and quadruple vaxed.

Yet, I really miss my carefree life when I didn’t have to think of any of this. When water was clean and foods were actually nutritious and not poisonous and the air was clean. But, I digress.

Yet, being the rebel I am I will continue to fight and outsmart the evil bastards, lol 😆.

Today the new definition of rich, is being healthy!

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Yes Tim, I very much agree with you and I’ll add your excellent book suggestion to my long list of reading. Lol 😆

Yet, what has always puzzled me as to why some of us are completely immune to this herd behavior. Any ideas on this? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

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Don't know, but sure have become aware of this lately.

I once speculated that some of us might have a genetic defect -- a missing or corrupted "follower gene" (perhaps we could be cured with an mRNA injections ? [sarcasm]).

E.g., in the wild, while most wolves live in a pack, a small portion are "lone wolves". So too it may be with people.


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