Confirmation of the high Correlation between Variations in the Death Rate and Vax Rate with a peak Correlation occurring about 7 weeks after being Vax'd
These U.K. Data confirm the correlation found using U.S. CDC Data.
In a previous Posting I showed that CDC Vaccination and All-Cause Mortality Rate Data show that 75% of the variation in the U.S. Death Rate is accounted for by variations in the Vax Rate with about a 7 week delay of the Death Rate compared to the Vax Rate.
Recently I became aware1 of Data for Daily Vax’s in the U.K.2 There are also Data for Daily Deaths in the U.K.3 I summed these DATA to get weekly rates of Vax’s and Deaths, and averaged these Data for 5 weeks (+/- 2 weeks), and then looked for a Correlation between variations in the Vax Rate and variations in the Death Rate. Again I found a very strong Correlation between variations in the Vax and Death Rates with with the Correlation being maximized with about a 7 week delay of the Death Rate with respect to the Vax Rate, as shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Correlation between Vax and Death Rates as a function of the delay of the All-Cause-Mortality Rate with respect to the Vax Rate. In all curves I determined the correlation over a one year period (52 weeks). The Correlation exists whenever I look, e.g., whether beginning the Correlation study in May 2021, or a half year later (28 Weeks Later) in November 2021 which is as far as I could go.
I performed these studies with a simple correlation routine using open source Libre Office running on a 3-year-old-400$ laptop. This was the same sort of analysis I used on the Vostok Ice Core Data to show an 800 year (on average) delay between changes in the Earths Temperature and Changes in the Earth’s Atmospheric CO2 concentration4 (i.e., CO2 lags Temperature, sorry Mr. Gore).
My previous analysis of U.S. Data looked at the Correlation beginning 24 July 2021, which would be equivalent to a “9 Week Later” curve in Fig. 1.
Up to 75% of the Variations in the U.K. Death rate can be attributed to the Variations in the Vax Rate, very similar to what I found in the U.S. using CDC Data.
As many (e.g. RFK Jr.) have pointed out from the very beginning, the primary, perhaps only, metric that should be used to judge Vax Safety and Efficacy is All-Cause-Mortality (e.g., not whether 8 mice had increased anti-bodies, the study used give the latest Vax its CDC approval).
I consider “All-Cause-Mortality” to be Data (as opposed to “CoVid-Deaths” or “CoVid Cases” which I consider to be [meaningless] numbers created to be breathlessly reported by NPR reporters, the rest of the MSM, and politicians to scare people into compliance with their totalitarian dictates (which I ignore and at which I scoff).
This obvious short-term Correlation between Vaxing and Dying does not mean there may not also be a myriad of other long-term negative health effects from the Vax.
Oh, and Actually Like-Duh! Really, the Vax’s are killing people.
And, yes, I said I wouldn’t waste any more of my time on a useless waste-of-time Quixotic Sisyphean task of battling a Narrative, but I do enjoy playing with DATA (not numbers).
Data Downloaded 29 Nov ‘22.
Data downloaded 29 Nov ‘22.
I can’t publish a posting with our some Sarcasm: I can’t wait to read the Journal article proving how this delay of Dying with respect Vaxing proves how the Vax is Safe and Effective. That’s seems to be what physicists at Universities do today — create made-up models to support whatever Narrative and call it science. Science (at the Universities anyway) is Dead! Long-live the Follow-the-Science Religion!
Like your approach & work. Thx!
Thank you Tim.
I live in Norway, where there was no real debate on vaccination, it was a case of, get vaccinated, (safe and effective), wear a mask, stay home etc., for the social good. The Norwegians of all ages lapped up that stuff. I didn't; wore a mask in public spaces out of cowardice, but that was it.
Norway had relatively few fatalities during peak covid, unaccountably.
But now undertakers are reporting ca 15% uptick in business, and in the small town where I live, people are dying in unusually large numbers. Accelerated cancer symptoms seems prevalent, tho I don't have data. Sad times we live in.
Still no debate going on in the media, who have seamlessly moved on to "Putin wicked, Zelensky hero"