The apparent "lack" of data being put out by governments along with their incessant "correlation does not equal causation" schtick is tiresome. They are hiding something and it doesn't take statistical degrees to know what that is.

I know 1 person who died "from" covid. From in quotes because he was subjected to the "agreed upon treatment" by which all who died "from covid" were subjected. But in the past 2 years I have lost many more than that to "heart attack", cancers, aneurisms, and blood clots with a notable number of suicides where the only common denominator is they got the jab.

May it be entirely coincidental? Sure, it could be, but the very fact that the government is playing either close to the chest or being epically transparent with doctored data while trying to convince everyone to get the jab if they have not yet tells me it is not coincidence. By the government's data, all the unvaxxed should now be deceased or at least suffering from debilitating illness. The reality is I and many others were infected once, gained immunity and went on with life. The only people I know who are suffering long term disability are those who were jabbed and then suffered repeated infections on about a bimonthly basis.

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Yup --

If they tagged all death data with Vax Status then we could all decide.

They have these Data -- Steve Kirsch has been asking for it for ages ... I too would like to see it!

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Right. They know. The data is there ... if we could just see it or if they simply compiled it. It's what they don't do but should do that is the giant red flag. I call this "the-dog-that didn't-bark" evidence.

Their m.o. is "never investigate that which you don't want to CONFIRM." Somehow, this works every time.

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You know who else knows the "data are there?" Members of Congress. Ed Dowd and his research partners have also produced copious evidence of excess deaths. I watched a podcast interview of Dowd yesterday. The interviewer asked him if ANYONE from Congress had contacted him about his research (or perchance invited him to testify before Congress). His one-word answer: "No."

Think about that. Let's say the number of vaccine deaths is not 20 million or 5 million but is "only," say, 300,000. Isn't 300,000 excess and unnecessary deaths in America enough for one fact-seeking hearing?

I guess not.

They don't investigate this because they know what's happening ... and who is responsible.

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Somehow I keep picturing in my mind, trenches filled with dead bodies and covered over with dirt like they did with the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe!

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They say "Never again." Well ...

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That's pretty rich coming from vax believers, because correlation implying causation is the very basis for their belief in vaccination having eradicated many common diseases that killed millions in the 19th century... except for 2 of the worst killers, typhoid and scarlet fever, which never had any vaccines that could even be spun as effective.

Of course those in the know are well aware that public health improvements and nutrition more universally and consistently correlated with the decline of infectious diseases. A quick look at historical death rates of vaccinable diseases* shows no sharp declines following introduction of the vaccines. Measles was the greatest success, but the time the vaccine was introduced had already declined by 99% in the UK.

Still, interesting how selectively people tend to fit the matter of causation vs. correlation to their beliefs, however inconsistently and illogically at times.

* There has been no such thing as a vaccine preventable disease, so I just say "vaccinable".

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Yes, I've seen those plots of deaths over time for various diseases. In almost all cases, the disease was nearly eradicated when the "vax" was introduced.

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Well we never even got infected with covid ...but how ...only common denominator of us uninfected. Never had a flu jab EVER....hmmm...

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May 23, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

The media may legally be allowed to publish propaganda, aka lie to cover up the truth, but government agencies and employees must be truthful. The CDC is not required to publish a summary or report on data. They're only legally required to compile and record actual data. The media does the lying for the CDC in 'stories' that they publish. The public rarely sees the raw data shown here. Besides, many people cannot analyse the data, or even just observe the obvious in simple graphs, then form their own opinion or come to a conclusion. They need an authority to provide confirmation bias. Of course, independent types do not have this problem. But as we've seen with the numbers of vaxed vs non-vaxed, independent thinkers are a minority.

Then there's the vaxed who cannot bring themselves to admit the horror of it all, that they were conned into getting a time bomb injected into their body. And there's the other vaxed who, no matter what anyone says, no matter how much data they're provided, regardless of loved ones dropping dead all around them, will never allow themselves to see the vax as anything but safe, effective and necessary. And the media is right there, paid by Big Pharma and the Government to support their delusions, to this day with false narratives and stories of how safe and effective the vax is.

Don't get me started on top doctors who go on & on about the virus & variants that don't exist.

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Yes! You describe it so well. I find this to be very much like a Religion, specifically, the Catholic Church of old, where only the Priests could read and interpret the scriptures. See my post:


Yes, if there is one thing that I've learned by this it's just how good the Propaganda-Censorship-Industrial Complex is, and how easily people can be controlled. The combination of human nature and military-grade-weaponized Propaganda seems to make it an impossibility to (successfully) challenge a Narrative.

While the Injections appear to cause death, it's probably not something people should panic about (as they did with CoVid-1984). I need to look at the numbers more closely, but the survival rate from injections is about the same as the survival rate for CoVid -- about 99.9% (there could be other long term effects, but there I have no Data. My graphs, and probably the VAERS system, only point to death very proximate in time to the injection.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

". . . only point to death very proximate in time to the injection. . . . "

Which means they are not capturing later deaths temporally removed from shot administration that result from: cancers, other infections, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular events— sudden cardiac death from ventricular fibrillation due to subclinical myocarditis scaring, slow-growing clots including amyloid clots, arterial "discection" or shredding caused by spike damage, prion-like dementia (similar to Cruetzfeldt Jacob Disease or Mad Cow Disease), etc.

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Yes, but those cannot be observed with this sort of correlation study, unfortunately.

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Yes! Which means they are a whole ANOTHER and GIGANTIC "can of worms"!!!!!!

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Renowned researcher and physics expert Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD estimates that the shots killed one in every 2000 people vaccinated for Covid, taken from:


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The graphs show that there are fewer deaths than injections.

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Oh gosh,

I'd just LOVE to see a plot where more people die than get injected !

You're Phunny !

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It will need to be a very big plot to bury all the bodies.

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Why? 3 million people die every year in the US alone.

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More like 6 million.

And, yes indeed -- it is a small signal, about 2 parts death per thousand injections, but the signal is detectable and observable. And there is an indelible record of it on the Internet and in Medical files. If they had given Injections continuously, rather than in spurts, the signal would not have been able to be detected.

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Joke on *plot*.

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Ah I see it now

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Sadly, this may eventually be the case, now that DNA contamination and plasmids have been found in the vials of both Pfizer & Moderna vaccines.

According to the WCH, the presence of this contamination poses a threat to *everyone* on the planet (both vaxxed and UNvaxxed)

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/9ff97e0999a9

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Do you read Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's Substack?

She shows no DNA anything in the shots but hydrogels which react with GO.

And joke on the uninjected as their blood is full of the same rubbish, because these hydrogels and graphene are being put in any old thing.

I will post a link shortly.

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Is that a Phunny ?

Of course !

Not everyone that get an Injection dies --

And not everyone that smokes cigarettes dies --

But of course, their probability (oh Shit, is that Statistics?) of dying is increased.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

Well, there you go. The graphs prove beyond a doubt that the shot is safer than Russian roulette, too.

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Are you blaming the Russians Danno.

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So you're saying that because not everyone dies from the injections that they are perfectly safe? You should work for the government!

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Maybe the injections will prove to be even more effective over a longer term.

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I have one word for all: ADE...sorry, that's not a word. How about three words: Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Millions more will die within the next couple of years. After all; at the very least, those shots are editing the genome (never a good thing!). They are not "vaccines". They are in fact Gene Editing Devices (reverse transcriptase).

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May 24, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

We know VAERS has an under reporting factor that's very likely 100 or greater. 4 analysts used 4 different methods to calculate the under reporting factor for VAERS for the covid injections and they got 31, 41, 44, and 100. Using the most conservative URF of 31 and the numbers that are in VAERS, we get 1 million deaths, just in the US. Using URF of 100, we get 3.5 million.

I know of 3 deaths and 7 serious life changing injuries that happened to friends and family members. NONE were reported to VAERS.

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Yup --

Very similar number!

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

Apropos of nothing in particular, data is the plural of datum - so I was "brung" up to use it as such. For example, I would use the term "the data is clear" rather than "the data are clear".


I think I am now in the 17 sigma part of the distribution curve! Sucks to be me, right? Haha

Good luck with your thesis, I think you are on the right track and the data IS clearly indicating correlation = causation.

Edit: You have a PhD!!! Apologies.

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I think I can PROVE that :

IF you are in the 17th percentile,

THEN you don't exist.

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Being a plural term, *data* can be correctly used with *are*.

Datum is, data are.

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If you are going to post a message on this site,

You had better get your adjectives and adverbs correct.

Otherwise you will be banned.

On the Other-Other hand, this is a pronoun-free space !

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Cross your eyes and dot your tees.

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Remember this is only tracking deaths in the short term! We would need many more graphs to cover a longer term to track all the other serious injuries caused by these jabs. Myocarditis for instance., neurological issues, cancers, abortions, infertility etc. The real impacts of these bioweapon injections will continue for decades and no doubt will include many billions of people.

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Yup -- hopefully it's not too bad!

We need to see if the mortality rate in this country returns to normal or not ... so far, it hasn't.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

One thing not discussed: long term affects. 1-2 month lag shows a direct correlation vax to death. What about those who have injuries, known or unknown? Will the excess death curve show an increasing mortality rate? Will vaccinated have a shortened life span?

what will happen if and when we get an outbreak of a new strain? Will immune impaired drop off in a wave attributed by the MSM to the new variant whereas the underlying cause was a weakened immune system from vax spike protein.

Stay tuned covid crusaders for the next installment of: Covid Capers and the Fauci Funding Trail

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Yes -- these observation only show short term effects of the Injections.

Now that most of the Injections has stopped, will we see the death rate in this country return to what it was 3 years ago ?

You can the the Mortality Rate in this country for the past 10 years in a Figure here:


So far we haven't ...

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See my latest posting for the definitive answer.


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This is truly terrifying. My head just wont go into 20 million deaths

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What about a mere 5 Million.

The latest number I heard from our War of, I mean against, Terrorism ?

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It's the walking wounded whom I am most worried about. Or even those too wounded to walk.

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No, wont go there either. Sheesh. Yep a war most don't know we're fighting

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

How are we fighting.

All I do is try to be funny on Substack.

Edit: phunny

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It would also explain why the death rates "from Covid" in nations not taking the jab were so much lower.

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Dr. Tim, would like to interview you on my talk radio show on WSAU Radio in Wisconsin. Please contact me at your convenience. Thanks, Meg wsau.com megonair@mwcradio.com

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Sent you an E-M. Regards, TimE.

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Your graph for Canada caught my attention, because it was the only one where the injection line and deaths line diverge. Then upon closer examination, I realized that this graph is totally incorrect in the number of deaths it showed. There were just under 20,000 supposed covid deaths in Canada in 2022, but your graph shows about that many deaths in December alone. Please correct this graph, as it damages your overall credibility.

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I am plotting ALL-CAUSE-MORTALITY -- All Deaths -- all deaths for all reasons.

I don't consider "CoVid Deaths" to be Data.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Tim Ellison

The morticians, funeral home directors and coroners know what's happening. So do the life insurance companies.

... And the pastors and rabbis officiating funerals ... and newspapers that run obituaries ... and companies that sell caskets (although cremation has become far more popular as it is an inflation "work-around) ... and hospital administrators and hospice companies and florists and so on and so on.

Tens of millions of people KNOW what's happening.

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So do the people at Hallmark who make "get well soon " and "sorry for your loss" cards.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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Could you please put all the data onto one chart? And then maybe a 2nd chart with is just per capita data. Thanks

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Would you please look at another 4 countries ?

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It’s all just so damn baffling

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