Charles Mackay wrote, Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.
We are seeing this today, in the World, in Countries, and in our Neighborhoods.
Australia (Insanity). About 170,000 people die in Austrailia every year. In the past year and a half, according to the BS-World-O-Meter1, less than 1,000 have died from CoVid-1984:
So, the country is on a Totalitarian Orwellian Lock-Down
They have even called in the Army to enforce it with soldiers, helicopters and drones
Authorities have told people not talk to their friends and neighbors
Authorities have also been said “Don’t go anywhere near your grandkids”
There are enormous fines for even mentioning protests on Social Media
But, I don’t think, they have yet out-lawed laughter.
Sweden (Sanity). They are just living life as normal, as they have been for the past 1 1/2 years (or much longer, e.g., they sat out WW II [and became the most prosperous country in Europe as a result]), and behave as though there might be the standard flu going around. And they are doing better than most European Countries that are in Orwellian Lock-Down Mode.
Quebec (Insanity): The Province of Quebec Becomes First Canadian Province To Introduce Vaccine Passports.
Alberta (Sanity): The Province of Alberta has dropped ALL CoVid-1984 Mandates and is now treating CoVid-1984 as it would the Seasonal Flu. This is supposedly due to a court case where a citizen, Patrick King, subpoenaed the Alberta Health Authorities to prove the existence of the virus (try finding that on Google!)
The U.S.
NYC (Insanity): NYC Orders Restaurants And Gyms To Demand Proof Of Vaccination From All Customers.
TX and FL (Sanity): The governors of these states have banned mandates, passports, and muzzling.
My Neighborhood (Sanity and Insanity)
I drive down a 3 mile dirt and gravel road to get to the 2-lane blacktop and can literally and figuratively turn LEFT or RIGHT:
Left (Insanity): Turning LEFT I go to the very-liberal highly-educated University City of Bloomington IN. They have a Muzzle (Mask) Mandate, and the University won’t let kids or staff back to school unless they’ve been vaccinated. A friend of mine yesterday told me that “I should be very proud of her”: she went into the big Krogers store and was the only person, except for one other, without a mask.
Middle (e.g., Center of the Universe) (Sanity): Just going to my neighbors — Today was my neighbor’s 70th B-Day, and he had a party. I kissed and hugged a lot of other old farts, and no one was wearing a mask or even mentioned the Plan/Scam/Casedemic. Oh, and there was a buffet with a shitload of good food and I’m still like so really totally actually existentially stuffed.
Right (Sanity): This evening I drove into the small town of Nashville IN to meet a friend and to enjoy some live music at a Winery. People were hugging, dancing, having fun and NO ONE (well, I did see ONE) was muzzled. I should have stayed longer and done some dancing instead of coming home and writing this Babble.
I wrote once before, Am I living in a Kafka Novel? I see lots of Insanity (“Follow-the-Science” Religion, which is not at all real Science), and also lots of Sanity (people doing real science, i.e., asking questions, not accepting Authority, and engaging in critical thinking [something banned by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the MSM, but absolutely necessary for a true democracy2]).
I’m rooting for the Sane people in this Insane Asylum run by the Insane.
Prove me right.
Below some fun pics I found on the Interweb.
I think if Galileo came back today he would say, “Not much has changed except the names”.
In Obama’s words, “If you like your Vaccine, you can keep your Vaccine”.
I discuss the Gate-Funded “World-O-Meter” in this (and other) postings:
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL