Infants and young children have essentially ZERO risk from CoVid (see SUMMARY Below).
And yet, now, straight from the CDC, we have this:
Primary series:
Age 6 months–4 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks (Moderna) or 3-dose series at 0, 3-8, 11-16 weeks (Pfizer-BioNTech)
Yup, the worse-than-ineffective mRNA Vax’s are now part of the standard Vax schedule (of on the order of 100 Vax’s before adulthood) for your infant.
So, let me ask my question one more time: For whom do you think the CDC works?
From my 26 July 2021 Posting, Our Children are Dying (not from a virus but from out Lockdowns):
A study at John Hopkins found ZERO children under the age of 17 that had died from CoVid1,2. (Well, some with pre-existing conditions, such as leukemia, died with a CoVid “positive test”).
Similarly a study from the U.K. established the risk of death for the young to be less than 2 parts per Million3, and less than 1/2 of a part per Million when leaving out the severe preexisting conditions, and perhaps even zero.
From my 28 Jun 2021 Posting, Last Posting re CoVid-1984,
… from the CDC’s own data they are seeing more children and young adults hospitalized from the COVID vaccine than they ever saw from the COVID virus9.
So, again, just for whom do you think the CDC is working?
If you have an infant, I sure hope you have found a Pediatrician MDeity who does NOT “Follow-the-Science”. Ask your Pediatrician to see the long-term test data on the safety of these Vax’s for infants.
Oh and be Safe! Have you Boosted and gotten your Flu Vax? [/s = sarcasm]
Going down the Memory Hole —
Remember the good old days when .gov, or is it .bigpharma, was still trying to get Emergency Use Authorization of these Vax’s for children under 12? We’ve come a long way since then!
Perhaps I should one more time hype that book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) from that famous unsuccessfully-censored top-misinformation-spreader, RFK, Jr., because at this point you sure should be thinking, I ain't know'n who to trust no more.
Regarding those other, on the order of 100, Vax's, you might be interested in this peer-reviewed article:
Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics!/
Well, and not just the CDC but the FDA as well, e.g.:
‘Simply Obscene’: FDA Approves Fourth COVID Shot for Infants and Kids Under 5
Sheesh !