I’ve lamented this before many times: today, there are NO DATA — especially with regard to CoVid-1984. As a physicist1, this really distresses me — I LOVE putting data into a Spread Sheet and looking for correlations, doing a reverse-Fourier Analysis or making pretty plots and comparing things. Unfortunately, there are no DATA, only made-up numbers.
Everyone today believes the “Official” Gates-Funded World-O-Meter. These are clearly made-up numbers (or the Voice of God) — somehow every night at midnight they give you the exact official number of CoVid deaths the previous day for the World, every country in the World, and for every State in our country. How do they do this? It’s clearly impossible. And these are “Official” Numbers. Just how “Official”? I followed them for a few months, and the official number on a given day never changed! (Official numbers never change and there are never any new DATA).
So, maybe I can trust CDC numbers ?
When the CDC says right up front that about 95% of the CoVid “deaths” are people not dying of CoVid but with CoVid and an average of about 5 other co-morbidities, can I trust their CoVid “death” “numbers”?2
Well, at least maybe I can believe their numbers on annual Flu Deaths since they’ve been tracking these numbers for decades to encourage people to get their annual Flu Vax’s. Yeah sure:
Their 95% Confidence Level range is 80% of their official number for Flu Deaths — so can I believe that a 20% change in Flu Deaths in some year is significant? Or a 10% increase over 5 years is significant?
And when last year there were Zero Flu Deaths will I ever again waste my time looking at their annual Flu Death “numbers”?
Well, at least I can trust the CDC’s ability to just plain count Death Certificates, with no attribution for cause of death, right? Unlike the magical World-O-Meter, it takes several months for the CDC weekly death totals to stabilize and become “official”. So I thought I could use some few-month-old CDC death numbers to do some research, and indeed I was finding some 20% R-Squared correlations with things. But then I just looked at these death numbers from the CDC and decided I can’t even trust these “numbers”, e.g.: can I really believe the numbers for the death rate (for those below the age of 70) in the State of New York when:
the next lowest state death-rate state is 30% higher than for NY?
the average death-rate for all states is over 100% higher than for NY?
the death rate in South Dakota is 270% higher than that of NY?
If any of those numbers were actually true, and if we really believed these numbers, why isn’t this front page news?
All we have today are "numbers" -- fudged numbers, made-up numbers, “official” numbers, meaningless numbers, or numbers coming from models. And, as I’ve shown before, they’re not even doing a very good job making up these numbers: i.e., shouldn’t these numbers at least show that the more vaccinated countries and states have lower active “case” numbers? They need to hire some new number-maker-uppers.
We have Narratives and numbers. There ain't NO science here, because there's no DATA.
DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING -- especially numbers from the CDC, Fauci, the MSM (who just “report” the “numbers” and never question them), etc.
Perhaps there are real DATA coming from insurance company actuaries, and they are telling us a very "scary" story ... not about CoVid-1984, but about the Lock-Downs.
And, it’s not just the CoVid-1984 numbers … can I trust any of the economic numbers?
When we have millions of fewer people employed than before the “pandemic”, can we really have an un-employment rate of 3.9%?
Does anyone really believe that the real inflation rate is only 6%?
About the only thing we can believe is that the MSM will “report” these numbers as truth and that many people will, unfortunately, BELIEVE the media.
In the U.K. it just came out that of the 177,000 CoVid “deaths”, only 17,000 died OF CoVid. The U.S. and the U.K. are both winning the contest of the countries with the highest death rate per capita numbers due to CoVid.
Those unemployment numbers are pure BS! After 10’s of thousands have lost their jobs due to mandates & are now excluded from the workforce due to choosing bodily autonomy rather than give in to coercion, they claim this? This makes me so angry … these number crunchers deserve a special place in hell along with the rest of the hacks.
Any way of following you?