More on Propaganda and Censorship in Science
Penultimate Posting -- sorry, a long one, not Tweet-Length
The Narrative ALWAYS trumps even DATA in the Climate Crisis “Follow-the-Science” Religion.
Now, censorship in the political and CoVid-19841 realms should be obvious and well known to all (e.g., can you spell Ivermectin?). And I have made references to this Censorship in (Climate) Science before.
But, it is more than just censorship — as mentioned in the above link, there is also organized institutionalized scientific-grade propaganda to promote the Climate Crisis Narrative. Just listen to NPR for awhile someday. Whether the “reporter” is “interviewing” someone about forest fires, a heat (or cold) wave, the latest hurricane or tornado, fishing, planting a new variety of grapes for wine, or war or refugees, there will always be the “Climate Crisis” HOOK, where that “reporter” will authoritatively note that “and of course the Climate Crisis was/is/will …”. And when was the last time they interviewed a “Skeptic”? This is official policy, not only at news organizations, but also “science” organizations. For example, read the “Stance on Communicating the Climate Crisis” on the ZME Science website, or the BBC Internal Guidance on how to report climate change.
I’ll just highlight a few things from the ZME “Science” Climate Stance which they’ve modified “to reflect the severity and urgency of the crisis we are facing.”:
As pointed out to me by a very astute lawyer, the official name for this Narrative has progressed from “Anthropogenic Global Warming”, to “Global Warming”, to “Climate Change” and it is now changing to “Climate Crisis” (you heard it here first kids), though my lawyer friend has proposed the names “Climate Apocalypse” or “Climate Armageddon”; perhaps we just haven’t gotten there yet and have to wait till they turn it up to 13:
“We will favor terms such as “climate emergency” and “climate crisis”, although the more established “climate change” and “global warming” are not banned.” Notice, “Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming” is no longer even on the menu, though CO2 for some reason still remains the arch-enemy to life on earth.
“The phrase “climate change” sounds benign — whereas “climate crisis” demands more action.”
News stories will always have a “Climate Crisis” hook:
“Efforts will be made to mention, as often as possible, that the current climate events are driven by human activities.
The Narrative is Gospel or Dogma:
“Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our generation. There is overwhelming, unequivocal evidence that the climate is warming and that it is happening due to human activities.” Yeah, right, and the sun and the earth’s orbit have nothing to do with anything.
“The goal is to communicate confidence in scientific information on the topic, as well as the urgency with which we need to act. For instance, “global heating” is a more accurate term than “global warming” — a position that is becoming more common among researchers — and it is also stronger in language. We don’t really mind it when it’s warm outside, but we do when it’s hot.”
Any Dissent from the Gospel or Dogma will not be tolerated; Dissenters are Heretics (well, I’m more of an Apostate, Heretics IMHO are mere light-weights):
“However, despite a virtual scientific consensus, some interest groups have sown discord on the matter, promoting climate change denial to the best of their ability. We believe that this is rarely done out of ignorance, and instead, it is a willful act, a dissimulation meant to conceal the truth about the climate crisis.” (Note: I’m and Independent Scientist, no funding, no affiliations).
“We must also steer clear of the ‘false balance’ when discussing the climate.”
“People who reject climate science will be referred to as ‘deniers’ or ‘contrarians’, not “skeptics”. Hell, why not just call them Heretics or me an Apostate, which I freely admit?
And “hooks” into sub-narratives, e.g.
“Climate change is a threat to our health, our economy, and quite possibly, our continued existence as a dominant species. It’s posing a risk to food supplies, it’s accentuating poverty, and causing cascading effects all over the world. The World Health Organization considers it a major threat to human health. In the face of these threats, we must emphasize the need for immediate action.” And I thought the World Health Organization only promulgated Dogma re CoVid-1984!
So, next time you listen to the “news”, and they talk about anything look for these things, and in time, you may be able to better recognize this pervasive propaganda in the reporting which is not Science, but rather Religion:
Science is being SKEPTICAL, and testing all Narratives (stories or models) repeatedly with DATA. In Feynman’s words, “It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”
Religion, in this case the “Follow-the-Science” Religion, is rather BELIEF or FAITH in untested stories or models, dogma and certain ordained “experts” (the clergy in the religion).
In another posting I gave some very specific examples of how to discern the Difference between Science and Religion. If Galileo were to come back today, I’m sure he’d say, “Nothing has changed, except perhaps the names”. And, as bad as the Censorship and Propaganda is with the “Climate Apocalypse” Narrative, it might be even worse with the “CoVid-1984 Plan/Scam/Casedemic” Narrative2.
And let me finally end with this with a video which exemplifies the Climate Crisis Narrative Propaganda (from my local Ivory Tower, I.U. Bloomington, where I received my Ph.D. in real (bordering on engineering) science (physics). The presenter, Janet McCabe3, has a degree in law, not science, and so can probably speak with more authority than Al Gore4 who never finished law school, though maybe with not as much authority as Greta.
Notice the key phrases:
Climate change is unquestionably real
It is not a question of beliefs but of facts
There’s just no room to debate that anymore
Increasing severity of storms …
Significant health risks associated with …
The future of our state, our nation, the world if we don’t take action on Climate Change is a grim one
We’re going to recognize that Climate Change is happening
It did sound like quite an authoritative Story to me, but there wasn’t any DATA and therefore, any science in there …. 100% Story; 0% Science. Good money is betting on the Story! And, my problem is, in school, none of my professors were lawyers, rather physicists, and mostly experimental physicists (I wasn’t smart enough to be a theorist).
And one very last thing. Think about the published “recipes” for reporting on the “Climate Crisis”. There must also be published “recipes” for reporting on CoVid-1984, our wars, the economy, our government, etc. Someone should do similar postings in those areas. Project Veritas, where are you?
And on last last thing, I recall something Bob Pollock said regarding something I had written in a draft of my dissertation where I had said what I thought my DATA obviously “meant’. He said, “Just present the DATA; let the reader decide” (what it means). Today we’re only being told what it all means, and get no DATA, just stories.
Recent example: you can now be permanently banned from Twatter for merely tweeting about a scientific study that goes against the Narrative, e.g.,
Janet McCabe is a former director of the Environmental Resilience Institute at Indiana University and professor of practice at the IU McKinney School of Law. On Jan. 15, 2021, she was named as deputy director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Biden administration. I wonder if she’ll ever mention the Hanford Nuclear Waste Site whose clean-up will forever use up 25% of the DOE budget.
Al Gore was apparently always into religion (as I too am!). According to Wikipedia “Gore was an avid reader who fell in love with scientific and mathematical theories, but he did not do well in science classes and avoided taking math. He later attended Vanderbilt University Divinity School, and later Law School which he also did not finish. Both Al and I are Missionaries (e.g., my posting: My Missionary Work).
And of course, it is from this organized propaganda and censorship campaign that most American get their beliefs and word-view.
Very relevant is this recent article on Substack by Robert Malone, M.D.: