A simple statistical analysis shows that variations in the mRNA injection rate account for most of the variations in the All-Cause-Mortality Rate in the U.S., the U.K., Canada and Germany,1 with Deaths delayed by about 0 to 2 months with respect to Injections. The U.S. Data show:
The number of CoVid “Deaths” is merely determined by the number of (fraudulent) CoVid “Tests” (i.e., it is a meaningless number, not Data); and
The variations in the All-Cause-Mortality-Rate, real Data, are caused by variations in the mRNA-Injection Rate.
I have estimated (here and here) that perhaps 1 Million Americans have been killed by the mRNA Injections, so far. This analysis only looks at short-term (0 - 2 month) correlations between the Injection and Mortality Rates. Longer-term deaths caused by the Injections will be harder to ferret out.
The “Official Numbers” for Injection and Mortality Rates in countries around the world have left an indelible signature documenting the lethality of the mRNA Injections showing that surges in the Injection Rates lead to surges in the All-Cause-Mortality Rate.
The correlation between variations in the mRNA Injection Rate and variations in the All-Cause-Mortality Rate were initially observed using statistics and a synchronous detection technique — something not obvious. However, merely using a 30 day running average of the Injection and Mortality Rates, it is easy for one to “see” these correlations.
If you were injected
Should you be worried? Not too much:
There is no point in worrying about anything in the past that can’t be changed (memo to self).
These DATA show that the short-term Injection-Lethality occurs within the first couple of months after injection; so, if it’s been a couple of month’s since you’ve been injected, you’ve gotten over that hump.
While the number of American who have been killed by these Injections, so far, is large (I estimate about a Million), over 600 Million Injections have been given to Americans. So, the short-term Injection-survival rate for a single Injection is about 99.8% (and still over 99% even with 5 Injections). This can be compared to the CoVid epidemic survival rate which is perhaps 99.98%2. I.e., you’re about 10X more likely to die from being Injected than from CoVid, but, regardless, either way, you’re probably not going to die3. Let’s not all panic over the Injections as we did over CoVid, please, even if they are 10 times worse.
If you’ve been Injected, as mentioned in a previous Post, Data from the Cleveland Clinic show you are much more likely to contract CoVid, with the probability increasing with the number of Injections you have received; but, as mentioned in the previous bullet, CoVid shouldn’t worry you, not a bit, and it never should have. On the Other-Other hand, the fact that you’re more likely to contract something that you’ve been supposedly “vaccinated” against, might at least make you start wondering about whether that Injection was good for your general health.
“Just say No!” to any more mRNA injections (and to masks, anti-social isolation, “vaccine passports”, shutdowns, and all the other nonsense). And you might also start questioning other “vaccines” recommended by the CDC.
Do not take your health advice, especially with regard to CoVid, from the CDC. In Presidential Candidate RFK, Jr.’s words, “the CDC is a captured agency” (captured by Big Pharma). (See Figure 1 below). For more information read RFK, Jr’s best-selling book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.
So too the mainstream media and most of your politicians are captured organizations and people; they too can’t be trusted. See Figure 2.
So too our “Universities” cannot be trusted; they too are captured by their funding-sources and are mere Purveyors of Narrative rather than Teacher’s of Critical Thinking and Questioning.
And, I hate to say this, but your doctor and health care professionals too have probably been giving you bad advice. Most professional health care providers are no different than the rest of us: they are not scientists; rather, most are highly-trained practitioners/technicians with a very narrow breadth of knowledge, and most get their information about CoVid from the CDC and media, just as you; and medical professionals speaking out against the Injection or for alternative therapeutics, were censored and faced the loss of their jobs and license to practice.
Figure 1. Screenshot (26 May ‘23) from the CDC Website, The statement, “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective” is 100% specious Narrative, and 0% Science.
Figure 2. Examples of people to especially not trust. Most, if not all, have gotten CoVid, many twice. (On the other-other hand, you can trust athletes, celebrities and especially billionaires [SARCASM!]).
Recommendations (cont.)
Turn off, and certainly stop paying for, all mainstream media. Find new sources of information4. Millions have spoken out against this fascist medical-industrial-complex totalitarianism (e.g., The Great Barrington Declaration). These voices have been disparaged and censored from the top (e.g. Fauci) by the Propaganda/Censorship-Industrial-Complex5. Support those speaking out.
Try to practice “Questioning Authority” every day, and be very leery of Group Think. Group Think is a fundamental part of our human nature, and the Propagandists have a well-developed science to manipulate us using this feature/defect of our nature.
Take responsibility for your health: eat good organic non-GMO food; get lots of sunshine and exercise, and don’t engage in anti-social isolation. Get out and enjoy life!
Christof Kuhbandner and Matthias Reitzner just had their scholarly paper published (23 May 2023) : Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022!/ In their discussion, they write, “Taken together, in 2021, with the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, a higher excess mortality is observed than in the previous year in the months when large numbers of persons were vaccinated.”
According to the WHO (whom you also can’t trust) [], 6.9 Million have been killed by CoVid, a 99.9% survival rate. Of course, most of these CoVid “Deaths” are fraudulent (e.g., anyone dying within 30 days of a fraudulent PCR test with 5 other co-morbidities). The real CoVid Survival Rate is probably 5 times (99.98%) or 10 times (99.99%) higher.
Well, no, you probably will die (i.e., since all humans before me have died, eventually, so too I will probably die). But you’ll probably die from something else other than either your Injections or CoVid, though the injections did increase your probability of dying a bit sooner rather than later. While I haven’t been Injected, I smoke and drink and will probably die at an earlier age than you! (Perhaps that gives you some consolation?)
Perhaps in the Comments people could leave a brief “short-list” of suggestions for better sources of information.
See Matt Taibbi’s writings on Substack about the Twitter Files. He may have coined the phrase, “Censorship-Industrial-Complex”.
And while variations in Injection Rate Data can point to short-term (about 2 months) effects, other analyses are needed to quantify the longer-term effects.
As mentioned in a reply to a previous Comment:
"Seems like our mortality rate is running about 15% above the where it used to be ...
Will it return to normal with the end of Injections, or is this the new normal, due to long-term Injection effects? I don't know. I guess time will tell."
I may be optimistic, but mainly I'm ignorant: I don't have the Data to make firm predictions about long-term effects. On the Other-Other hand, there are a lot of alarm bells going off supporting your point of view.
I try to stick to Data that I can analyze ... hopefully there will be more forthcoming Data that will allow me to do some analysis.
Maybe it's as low as only 0.2 million in the U.S. -- and about 20 times that world-wide.
I'll look at this much more rigorously sometime in the future.